Villain Month Allocation Rage: Save it Til Later

Here we are on the eve of the first day of the September War, and I am not filled with the excitement which should be coming with the official start of one of the biggest months of the year for comic book readers and collectors. Instead, I am filled with compassion for comic book store owners across the country and worry about some of the misplaced rage they might have to face due to the Villain Month allocation.

The real villains of Villain Month?

The real villains of Villain Month?

Last week, I posted an article about why September 4, 2013 will be one of the worst days ever for comic book stores. We have the DC Comics Villain Month allocation which will be felt across the country. We have the fact that shipments of comics are coming a day later than normal due to the holiday which just passed. Many stores across the country will see lines of readers and collectors for product which they just won’t have due to the shortage of the 3D covers.

I am making this plea as a fellow reader and collector. I have already heard of people planning to go in late to work tomorrow or scheduling a day off in order to be one of the first in line at their local comic book store. Please, do not direct your anger at comic book store owners. Save it to direct towards those who actually caused the Villain Month allocation through poor planning.

Each store has come up with its own plan on how to distribute the few 3D covers they will receive due to the Villain Month allocation. Bleeding Cool posted an article last week which listed some of the plans comic book store owners have devised. Even if you do not agree with the plan your favored comic book store owner came up with, please understand that this we the best he, she, they could come up with the meet the demands of customers. Save your rage for after you leave the store.

Save your rage until you get home and post it online. Gear the rage towards making sure comic book publishers get the message that you are as mad as Hell and you’re not going to take it anymore. Make sure that every single publisher knows that if demand is going to be created for a product, there damn well better be enough supply to suffice the masses. Let’s make sure something like the Villain Month allocation never happens again.

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