Tag: what is dc’s trinity war

Trinity War: The Meaning and the Possibilities

What is this Trinity War DC has been talking about for almost a year? I have to laugh when I think about how rumors circulated last year about the Trinity War involving Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. A year later, we realize the Trinity involved is the Trinity of Sin and the main players in the war will be the Phantom Stranger, Pandora, and The Question while Dr. Thirteen and the Justice League Dark will apparently have at least minor roles in the battle.

The Trinity of Sin will fight in DC's Trinity War.

The Trinity of Sin will fight in DC’s Trinity War.


The Buildup to the Trinity War


I have to commend DC on continuing with a slow buildup since last year’s Free Comic Book Day. Marvel and DC do not typically have that type of discipline. The Phantom Stranger and Pandora’s solo titles appear to be getting title revamps according to the latest issue of Diamond Previews. They will now be named “Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger” and “Trinity of Sin: Pandora” respectively with the obvious intention of tying them in with the Trinity War. How long until The Question gets his own series? Each issue of the Phantom Stranger, and many issues of other Dark Universe titles have referred to an upcoming war which will be waged between the three original sinners.


Basic Possibilities for the Trinity War


I have a strong feeling we will learn the New 52 origins of Pandora and The Question. We know that Pandora has something to do with the change from the old universe to the New 52 Universe, but what exactly outside of opening her box? As for The Question, we know that he was one of the worst sinners in history and that the powers-that-be have erased his name from history along with his face. What types of crimes might have he committed which would have been worse than those of Hitler or of someone such as Judas (Phantom Stranger)?


Major Crossover?


The question (pardon the pun) is if the Trinity War will be a crossover among all of the major DC Comics titles or of just the Dark Universe titles. If it is a major crossover event with all of the titles involved, what would Batman and Superman be able to do to work against magic users? How many characters will be destroyed or changed?


My Biggest Worry About the Trinity War


I have stated before that I am worried about the Trinity War causing a reversion or partial reversion back to the pre-New 52 days. This would be extremely infuriating to all of us who have jumped on the DC bandwagon after they improved many of the storylines with the reboot. Pandora is trying to reopen her box, but doing so the last time (as we are led to believe) helped to cause the New 52 jump. How can the heroes prevent her from altering the world again? Could characters change again and become the Newer 52? Only time (and probably Dan Didio) will tell!