Tag: the walking dead season 3

My Extreme Disappointment With Season Finale of The Walking Dead

The third season finale of The Walking Dead has come and gone and I am left with nothing less than extreme disappointment. While there were points of the episode which excited me, there were too many points which left me discouraged.

I hated the season finale of The Walking Dead

I hated the season finale of The Walking Dead

What I Liked in The Walking Dead Season Finale

Not much. The high point was the interaction between Milton and Andrea. I liked the way that Carl continues to become even colder-hearted. I am happy with the idea of Tyreese and his daughter joining Rick’s survivors. The twist of the survivors leaving traps for The Governor and his men at the prison was a good move. The Governor snapping and killing most of his people was another great swerve. That was where my happiness ended as I liked minor accessory moments, but not the entire package.

The Commercials

What was going on with all of the commercials during the third season finale of The Walking Dead? While the network is going to want to make as much money as possible off the show, the excessive number of commercial breaks (and commercials during them) got under my skin. Remember, the commercials are supposed to be secondary and not primary. I was left wishing harder than I had before for a return to those days in which commercials were not shown on cable.

Lack of Closure

Some will argue that the third season finale of The Walking Dead gave closure in the form of the citizens of Woodbury no longer being a threat. At this point, it is too early to make the statement. We don’t know if the group Rick has brought back to the prison will work out or not. We also don’t know if The Governor is done being a threat to Rick and his survivors. We did not have the crew moving out of the prison. For the first time in the history of the show, we did not have any type of closure at the beginning of a break. The show has swerved from its own formula and some might wonder if the show is jumping the shark. The creators of the show have developed a strong formula of inserting closure at breaks, but this was obviously forgotten or ignored.

No Draw to Next Season of The Walking Dead

Glenn and Maggie are getting married next season. Rick is now running an old folk’s home in the prison. Daryl and Michonne are going to be distraught by their losses. Beth finally killed a walker. The Governor is out on the run. While these are interesting continuation points between the seasons, there is nothing left to make me want to watch the next season of The Walking Dead. As I am writing this, I know I will watch the next season, but there is not an overwhelming moment in the season finale of The Walking Dead which made me have to tune in. I need that kind of moment in a show I watch.

I was hoping the creators of The Walking Dead would blow me away during the season finale, but I feel more like they blew me off. Hopefully, the fans will speak up and send a message that the creators need to do a better job I the future.

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The Governor on The Walking Dead Needs to Die in Season 3

I overheard a discussion the other day between two fans of the Walking Dead franchise which quickly turned into an argument about The Governor. One fans believed The Governor and the residents of Woodbury should be carried over into Season 4 of “The Walking Dead” while the other fan believed the character should be killed off at the end of the current season. To follow along the lines of the show so far, The Governor needs to die in Season 3.

The Governor on "The Walking Dead"

The Governor on “The Walking Dead”

New Locations for “The Walking Dead”

Each season of “The Walking Dead” has presented new challenges for Rick and the survivors and a new location. Remember, the first season took place mostly in the camp while the second season focused on life on the farm. Season 3 of “The Walking Dead” put them in the jail. To keep cohesion in the show, the survivors need to be forced out of the jail somewhere at the end of the season. If the survivors are no longer at the jail, it should pose for closure in the storylines with The Governor as well.

New Challenges

The first season was about Rick finding his family and proving to them that he would keep them safe. It was an opening season in which Grimes tried to figure out what was going on and her put his game face on for the first time. The second season was about trying to find a home and return to some type of normalcy. Instead of the struggles being physical, most of the struggles were mental as Rick tried to straighten himself out with Lori and take command of the group from Shane. Shane became a greater obstacle for Rick than the walkers and Shane was taken care of permanently as the season was coming to a close. So too should it be with The Governor as he represents a change into the survivors having to worry more about people than about the dead.

The Stale Argument

Some fans of The Walking Dead in comic book form might argue that The Governor has to die to keep cohesion with the comic. The creators of the show do not have to follow the same rules as the comic, but they should follow the same rules that have been set in previous seasons. It is time to close the book on Woodbury and The Governor and move on to another volume in the life or Rick Grimes and in the lives of the survivors he takes care of. The Governor needs to die sometime in the next few weeks, and before the final credits roll on Season 3 of “The Walking Dead.”

The Walking Dead Mid-Season 3 Premiere: Impressions and Assumptions

The mid-Season 3 premiere of “The Walking Dead” introduced many changes to the characters we have watched develop since the show began. Fans are sure to be left wondering about what will happen next, but there is a glimmer of hope for every character. We can use what has happened on the “The Walking Dead” so far, events in the comics, and what we have seen in previews to gain a better understanding of where the creators are going from here.

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

Rick and The Governor

We saw kinks in the armor worn by both Rick and The Governor. Both could be considered as unfit to lead because of the losses they recently faced. For The Governor, Woodbury was attacked and his “traitorous” prisoners got away. Salt was added to the wounds when one of the residents of his town was attacked by a biter. Residents wonder if he can lead them or if they would be safer on their own. I would venture to say, though, that he will be back on his saddle soon to lead an attack on the prison since Andrea is helping calm the masses.

As for Rick, notice how his vision of Lori came after being told he was making the wrong decision about Tyreese and the other “guests.” Traditionally, Grimes breaks down when he believes he has made the wrong choices for the group. If you have read the comic, you know how some of the survivors step up and pull power from Rick in the form of a voting council. I see that happening on “The Walking Dead” in the short term until the former officer comes back to his senses. Both The Governor and Rick will gain focus when at war.

Merle and Daryl

When Merle and Daryl went off of their own, many fans probably found themselves on the verge of a breakdown. In the previews for next week, we see the two brothers fending for themselves. Daryl is too much of a moneymaker for the franchise to be eliminated right now. I expect the two to be off on their own for a few episodes and then rejoining Rick’s group. Or, at least one of them will rejoin the group.


Carol is reverting back to her loss of hope. With Daryl out of the picture, Carol does not have anything to live for outside of surviving. It could be time for her to snap.

Maggie and Glen

These two kids are at an important impasse in their relationship. Hershel is making his acceptance of Glen clear, and it is time for the young man to step up. Maggie is still in shock, but should turn around soon. I would be very surprised if we did not see the marriage between the two that we saw in the comic. It is one of the glimpses of normalcy the survivors are allowed in the printed pages of “The Walking Dead,” and it should remain.


The greatest evolution during the new episode of “The Walking Dead,” came in Hershel. It is time for him to step up into more of a leadership position and become the conscious of the group. It will be interesting to see where the idea leads since his days are numbered if he is going to be killed at the same time he is in the comic book version of “The Walking Dead.”

I can see how many fans might have been turned off by the recent episode due to the lack of action outside of the initial few minutes of the episode. This was a transitional episode gearing up for the second half of the season. Traditionally, I creator would want to use this type of episode to plant seeds which will grow over the next few weeks. The creators of “The Walking Dead,” did a great job of planting many seeds while keeping an atmosphere of dread and doom.