Tag: september war

Thank You Letter from Dennis Barger to DC Entertainment

A letter to DC Entertainment from Dennis Barger comics retailer,


Dear Jim and Dan:

The real villains of Villain Month?

Oh, DC Entertainment – Bleeding Cool and some other sites used this artwork with permission by us – the creators. If you are going to use it in the future, please credit Wonderworld Comics, WonderWorldComics, or Robert Bowman.

I’d like to take a moment between calls number 15 and 16 first thing in the morning asking if we have 3D Joker’s Daughter comics to thank you for all your support for DC’s Villains Month. You know, like when you skipped the middle 2,800 miles of the US to have a Road Show Stops and let us know what was going on. Or when you had your sales reps call me and tell me to up my order wasting my time because apparently you knew these would be allocated. Oh, and at the SDCC Diamond Retailers Lunch when you had Bob say he had placed the orders ahead of time and we should increase our orders and that there might be slight allocations. Especially for the time my managers and I sat around for 2 hours strategizing about how many we should order. The best part was when you Dan announced at Boston that there would be allocations before FOC was due. But my favorite time you helped me out was by announcing “The Allocation” totals 5 minutes before you closed on a Friday and that we had to put a strategy in place by Monday to place 2D orders to make up for your failures in production or ordering.

From the time you started to talk about this initiative with us, we knew it would be a half-assed and thrown together venture, but we gave you the benefit of the doubt. We also had very little concerns over ordering and allocations because you kept using the word slight. I fully appreciate you dictating to us what we have to do and how we were incorrect in our frustrations and through every stage of this process pretending like this was a good thing. And while you had bumps along the way, I hope, in the end, after you post record September profits, counting your piles of money from getting retailers to order 133% more of your product then we wanted to. Your assertion “that when it is all done the outcome was positive for all involved” has missed the point entirely.

We, the retailers, are your customers. You have inconvenienced us, you have forced us to do more work to get what we actually wanted from you, you have forced us to give you more money than we wanted to and you have forced me to make decisions that I did not want to make as to who gets them. Funny, your choices to treat us like this have forced us to treat our customers similar to this and they feel the same way I do right now. They wanted the books, they expected us to order them and have them in stock, they didn’t expect to have to go through the extra time of going from shop to shop looking for them, they didn’t expect to have to pay $10 or more from comic shops to get them and unlike you I am sure as hell not going to write them a letter like you just wrote to me, gloating about how much money I made this month off of my customers misery. “We listened to you”, did you? “and have learned from the experience” like you’ve said for the past 2 years?

As we continue to look at ways to excite our customers with comics from publishers that know what they are doing in terms of supplying their distribution chain and invigorate the market of the other 70% of the comic book industry I will try to remember that I actually like both of your skills as creators, but just really think you are piss poor managers of 3/10th of my stores product line.

Villains Month has been one of the most infuriating, disrespectful and unprofessional months I have ever had the misfortune of enduring in the 8 1/2 years I have been a comic retailers and I owe so much of those feelings to our “partnership” with you.

Again, thank you!

Your customer and apparent Partner,

Dennis Barger
Wonderworld Comics

My Decision on Villain Month for WWC and Myself

After much deliberation, I have decided on how I will personally protest the mistakes made with the 3D covers for DC Comics Villain Month and how I will protest the mistakes on this website.

Forever Evil / Villain Month

Forever Evil / Villain Month

Villain Month Protest on WonderWorldComics.com

During the month of September, and DC Comics titles part of Villain Month will be expect from consideration for my Pick of the Week. This also includes Forever Evil. These will not gain a primary spot for commentary on this page. To make sure that I have a decent number of comics to read during the month, I will be taking suggestions from you as to which comics from publishers outside of DC Comics. More on that within the next few days.

My Personal Villain Month Protest

I am not going to read any of the Villain Month titles during the month of September. While it was a difficult decision to come to, I am even going to be boycotting the Harley Quinn Villain Month title along with those from Justice League Dark, and the Batman Family. I am not interested in giving DC Comics any of my money during the month.

Not to Persuade You

This posting is not being made to persuade you from purchasing the DC Comics Villain Month comics. It is to point out to you the steps I am taking to make sure my voice is heard by the decision makers at DC Comics. By reducing the publicity given to the company by this site, I will be countering the old adage that any publicity is good publicity. No publicity equals negativity. At the same time, not giving DC Comics the $100 some dollars I would have spent on Villain Month products also takes a stab. You are free to join in my protest, figure out your own, or completely ignore any protests and purchase whatever you want. I would never want to take your options away from you.

September War: X-Men: Battle of the Atom – WOW!

X-Men: Battle of the Atom has my popping. Marvel Previews gives us a glimpse at Marvel’s offerings during the September War, and I cannot hold my excitement back. Everyone thought DC Comics would rule the September War with Villain Month and Forever Evil, but Marvel might just shake things up enough with X-Men: Battle of the Atom to keep DC Comics out of the pinnacle spots on the Diamond Top 100.

X-Men: Battle of the Atom is Coming!

X-Men: Battle of the Atom is Coming!

What is X-Men: Battle of the Atom?

Quick synopsis: The X-Men from the future come to the present to send the X-Men from the past back to the past in an attempt to fix history, the present, and the future. Marvel is pushing X-Men: Battle of the Atom as the biggest X-Men crossover of all time.


X-Men: Battle of the Atom is going to be a ten-part crossover which will include its own title, All-New X-Men, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, and Wolverine & The X-Men. I should complement the company for having a major crossover which does not float into dozens of different titles. At this point, it is contained to ten issues, so it is not something which will put too much of a cramp on reader’s pocketbooks.


Yes, I was someone who gave the early win in the September War to DC Comics, but the full and official introduction of X-Men: Battle of the Atom splits my decision for the month. At this point, it is way too early to tell who will have the tops spots during the most important month of the year (if you are not sure why it is the most important month of the year for comics, read this). All I know at this point is that I am going to be dropping a lot of money at our Detroit area comic shop in September.

Diamond Previews #298 is My Pick of the Week!

I am veering a little bit with my comic pick of the week this week by naming Diamond Previews as the comic book (as in book about comics) you need to pick up this week. Diamond Previews #298 (and the free issue of Marvel Previews which will come with it) covers September and the comics which will comprise the September War! This is the more important issue of Diamond Previews this year.

Forever Evil

Forever Evil

Automatic Add-On

It should be understood that Marvel Previews is automatically part of this Pick of the Week article since you get a copy of Marvel Previews free when you purchase Diamond Previews.

The Two Covers

As you probably know, there are two covers for Diamond Previews #298. One highlights The Star Wars #1 which will be the first issue in a miniseries using George Lucus’ original plans for the movie series. The other cover highlights DC Comics Forever Evil and Villain Month.

Why You Should Read Diamond Previews #298?

I have always been a supporter of reading Diamond Previews, but especially this particular issue since it covers the events of the September War.

  • From DC Comics, you will see all of the covers for the special .1 issues. You will also get a quick blurb about each issue to help you decide which ones you will be reading in September. The variant covers for Forever Evil have not been finalized as of printing, but at least you can gain an understanding of the universe-changing miniseries.
  • Marvel uses its Previews to officially introduce the world to X-Men Battle of the Atom. Three generations of X-Men will battle in an attempt to set the team’s storyline and history straight. It is being labeled as the biggest X-Men crossover of all time. This is a huge hit against DC Comics Villain Month and should excite many of the team’s fans.
  • Dark Horse uses Diamond Previews #298 to officially introduce The Star Wars. This series will revolve around ol’ George’s original vision for the movie series. I have a feeling that this comic series is going to have the world talking during the September War.
  • IDW Publishing highlights the release of the Powerpuff Girls which it hopes will make an impact on the market like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Danger Girl fans will also be interested to read about Danger Girl: The Chase #1.
  • Image Comics uses part of its space to discuss Sex Criminals #1 by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. Rat Queens #1 is also on its way, but I am going to discuss a little more about that in the upcoming weeks.
  • Afterlife with Archie? I have not read an Archie comic in probably 25 years, but I might find that I have to pick up the new “Archie with Zombies” style comic coming our from Archie Comics. Even though the first issue is not coming out until October, Diamond Previews #298 gives a shout to it and an interesting splash.
  • Boom! Studios makes sure you know that Sons of Anarchy is being added to its portfolio. Any comic which can draw in fans from outside the comic book community has the support of this website.
  • Kings Watch is a crossover using some of the top characters from Dynamite and might bring some more interest to the company’s major titles. The crossover miniseries is discussed in Diamond Previews #298.
  • There are other premiere issues coming out from various companies which were not discussed here. There are also offerings from companies which are not mentioned here as well.

The September War is so important to the comic book publishers because they know if they do not do something big, the comic book community will only be talking about two things in October – The Walking Dead and Detroit Fanfare Comic Con!

September War: Why September is So Important

Many of you have commented about liking the new September War section on this site, but do you know why September is so important to the comic book industry? I had a long discussion about this topic last night and want to share some of the more important points with you.

The September War is coming!

The September War is coming!

The September War is Coming

Marvel will be pushing into September with the Age of A.I. and Infinity. DC Comics will wage war with Villain Month and Forever Evil. IDW will make a strong stand as well (more about that here). Image…well, let’s talk about them in a minute.

September from a Business Standpoint

The fourth quarter is possibly the most important quarter of the year for business. No matter how poorly a company is doing during the year, a strong fourth quarter makes investors happy and makes them optimistic about the future. Optimism brings more investor money and more investors. From a retailing perspective, September kicks off the holiday season push and determines if the year’s push was worth every penny or a waste of money. This, though, is not the main reason for the September War in comics.

Let’s Go Back to 2010

During the summer and early fall of 2010, there was only one major piece of comic book industry news which was not cornered by Marvel or DC Comics. Image was in the spotlight because The Walking Dead was going to be making its television debut on AMC at the end of October. Marvel and DC Comics did not like the idea of a “lower company on the totem pole” receiving so much attention. They knew the buzz would be too big during the month of October, so they chose September to steal some of the thunder away and hopefully continue stealing thunder well into October.

The First Shot of the September War

2011 saw the first full shot in the September War when DC Comics launched the New 52. It was one of the boldest moves ever in comics and was geared through the media to take some of the headlines away from Image and The Walking Dead. Most people thought that Marvel was the intended target of the New 52, but it was only a bystander caught in the crossfire with Image.

The September War Today

The Walking Dead reigns supreme on cable and is sure to grab every headline possible throughout the tenth month of the year. Image has grown and is flirting with the 10% mark in market share. DC Comics is scared because it is being threatened by an enemy from the rear. Marvel is afraid because it is better to battle with the enemy you know than the one you never paid attention to because you never felt it was a legitimate threat. IDW Publishing sees an opportunity to strike when the headlines will be on the comic book industry. Image needs to hold its own and wait for the month to pass. It simply needs to sit out the storm and then unleash its own fury.

The September War is the most important event in comics this year. Age of Ultron, Infinity, the deaths of Peter Parker and Damian Wayne, Guardians of the Galaxy, Villain Month, Forever Evil, every new release, every relaunch, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel,  and every storyline is secondary to what will happen during September. This single month will make or break the year for each of the top four companies. A loss of market share during the September War will be a disaster for the losers and the greatest of victories for the winners.

September War: IDW Publishing Might Be Surprise Winner

We are all talking about the moves DC Comics should make in the September War with Villain Month and Forever Evil, but what about IDW Publishing? The smaller company has a good chance of picking up some extra percentage points and moving into the third-place spot as Image and Marvel both direct their eyes towards DC Comics. It could be an interesting month indeed.

IDW Publishing in August

August is going to be a big month for IDW Publishing. The month will see the release of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1, which Diamond Previews rated as a GEM of the Month. We will also be able to get our hands on Locke & Key: Alpha #1, the second and final issue will follow in September. We will see the suspicious return of the Cigarette Smoking Man in The X-Files: Season 10 #3, the introduction of KISS Kids #1, and another upswing for titles such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, G.I. Joe, and Transformers.

The Holdover

The strong month IDW Publishing has for August should hold into September as new readers become invigorated by the company they just “discovered” and longer-term readers become invigorated by the month IDW Publishing just had.

IDW Publishing is hitting multiple home runs with the new selections coming out of their agreement with Cartoon Network.

IDW Publishing is hitting multiple home runs with the new selections coming out of their agreement with Cartoon Network.

The BIG Release in September

If the holdover from August was not enough, the release of The Powerpuff Girls in September is sure to pop IDW Publishing. The cartoon it is based on is not only something fresh for young readers, it also has a strong cult following among readers of older generations who want to introduce their children to a franchise they grew up with. The greatest possible upset for the month of September would be if The Powerpuff Girls did not debut in the Top 100 in the Diamond Industry Statistics.

As of this writing, the release of the Diamond Industry Statistics for May is still a few days off. The Market Unit Share for April showed Marvel with 37.95%, DC Comics with 25.98%, Image Comics with 9.04%, and IDW Publishing with 7.54%. While I do not see IDW taking the lead in September, I would not be surprised at all by it passing Image for the #3 spot in Unit Share. Once the numbers come out in October, I will be very surprised if I am wrong.

Can Marvel Bounce Back After September?

On Monday, DC Comics made their lead announcements about DC Comics Villain Month and Forever Evil, but where does that leave Marvel? September will be a huge month for the company holding second place in market share and DC will probably take over the standings that month. What will Marvel do to battle back?

Marvel's market share is dropping

Marvel’s market share is dropping

Could DC Comics Lead for One Month?

There is a good chance that DC Comics will only lead during the month of September and Marvel will simply have to wait until October to take back over. I see this as an unlikely chance, though.

Villain Month Could Be Biggest Month Since the New 52

I see Villain Month being the biggest month for DC Comics since the launch of the New 52. I know that I am going to pick up some extra titles since there are villains I like in comics I don’t traditionally read. Also, since Batman, Batman Detective Comics, and Batman & Robin are on my pull list, I am going to have to pick up extra copies of each since those comics will have multiple .1 issues in September. I have recently been getting into Flash and Justice League of America, so I will have to pick up their multiple issues as well. I am sure many other people will have the same problem. My readership of the comics I regularly follow will expand, and my readership of a few other titles I pick up for the villains may expand as well.

Forever Evil

With Forever Evil following Villain Month, DC Comics has a good chance of holding onto their lead as people try to see what the first major crossover event of the New 52 can offer. I see DC Comics continuing to hold higher market share into October and possibly November.

Is Infinity Enough?

Marvel’s Infinity is launching soon, but will that be enough to pull share from DC Comics and the independents? Realize, major crossovers are the status quo for Marvel and we have seen them pull off major crossovers year-in and year-out. Are people going to become tired of what Marvel gives us every year? Infinity needs to be one of the strongest crossovers in the last five years if Marvel wants a chance of staying on top this year.

Worst Case Scenario

Villain Month and Forever Evil have been rumored about for months. There is a strong chance Marvel has had more than enough time to plan. What makes me nervous is that Marvel is going to try to pull out extra stops in the fourth quarter. Could they make massive changes just to try to stay on top? Could they kill off characters out of desperation to hold the coverage on comic book sites like this during October? Only time will tell.

My Opinions on Villain Month and Forever Evil

So, the announcements were made today about the DC Comics Villain Month and the Forever Evil crossover event. This might come as a surprise, but I have some definite opinions on the announcements made.

DC Comics Villain Month

DC Comics Villain Month


I am writing this under the assumption that you have read the news statements so far. If you have not, you can read the news about DC Comics Villain Month by following this link, and read the statements about the Forever Evil crossover event by following this link.

My Thoughts on DC Comics Villain Month as a Whole

Personally, I love the idea of DC Comics Villain Month. The company has done a very good job over the years of making memorable characters we shudder over. They have also done a very good job in modernizing many of these characters. Give us the opportunity to look into the heads of these baddies in their updated form. September will remind us that a great superhero story is made up of a great superhero and a great villain. Give the baddies the time to shine.

The 3D Covers for DC Comics Villain Month

During the interview, it was stated that this type of cover has never been done before. Really? I have seen 3D covers before and know that they can either be impressive or annoying. The specific format for creating these covers might be new, but I have 3D covers in my collection from the 1990s. As someone who will usually have a few adult beverages while reading comics in the evening, I am a little nervous that the motion might cause undesired impacts.

The Prices of Comics During September

You might not have noticed this but the cover price on all of the DC Comics Villain Month titles are $3.99. This is a good way to squeeze an extra few dollars out of people during the month. From a retail aspect, I think it is great. From a collector’s stance – I see it as an annoyance. Unless there is a huge push for these covers in the future, I don’t see the price automatically increasing in value over the sort or long term. Obviously, DC Comics wants to reign supreme in all of the possible industry ratings over at Diamond. Too bad that “Drawing the Line at $2.99” was talking about a squiggly line.

The Printing of the Title

When I first started hearing about the possibility of villains taking over the comics during September, I was a little nervous about how the titles would be printed. Take Justice League for example. Would Darkseid’s name be the only title appearing that month, or would DC Comics use another method? I am happy that they are imprinting the name of the villain over the traditional title. This will help retailers and help fans know for sure which comic is for which line. Thanks, DC! You got that part right!

Why So Scared DC Comics?

Notice that there was not an announcement about the titles of DC Comics Villain Month coming out later in some type of trade format. I understand why. It might discourage some collectors from buying as many of the comics as they can carry. Smart move from a corporate aspect, but not from a comic book community aspect. Rumors have circulated about all of the covers being in one book or an omnibus collecting all of the DC Comics Villain Month issues. I don’t see that option as feasible because if each comic was 26 pages long, we would have an omnibus with over 1350 pages. A series of trades might be the most likely.

The Idea of the Forever Evil Crossover Event

I HATE company-wide crossover events that go into dozens of different titles. I hated it when they did it for Secret Wars II, and I still hate it all of these years later. The Trinity War crossover is one thing since it comprises about five titles each month. I am fine with that. I don’t like when companies decide that you car payment should go to them for a few months straight. Some people like it, but it is a Marvelish formula which has turned me off even more in the last few years. I was hoping we would never see it at DC Comics, but my nightmare is now a reality.

The Redeeming Factor of the Forever Evil Crossover Event

The one redeeming factor  of the Forever Evil crossover event is that the focus will be placed on the villains of the DC Comics Universe (according to the original interview). I have always been a sucker for villain crossover and issues which take the focus away from the superheroes and give it to the bad guys and gals. I might end up having to start saving money now.

DC Comics Forever Evil Crossover Event is Coming

Buzzfeed posted an interview with Dan DiDio and Jim Lee where the two minds at DC Comics discussed the upcoming Forever Evil crossover event. Some very interesting points were made which you need to know.

This is Big News people!

This is Big News people!

What is the Forever Evil Crossover Event?

The Forever Evil crossover event will be the first major crossover event of the New 52. DC Comics Villain Month will lead into the Forever Evil crossover event and the event will focus on many (if not most) of the major villains in the DC Comics Universe. Forever Evil will be a seven-issue miniseries. There will be three other major events taking place in other titles which will draw these other titles into direct connection with the Forever Evil crossover event.

Who Will Be in the Forever Evil Crossover Event?

While DC Comics has months to announce the players in the Forever Evil crossover event, Dan DiDio did confirm that Joker and Lex Luthor will be present in the series and that Hush will also be appearing later on the event. I would go on the assumption that many of the villains used in the DC Comics Villain Month would also play some role in the event. The two DC representatives stated that the focus of the series will be on the villains and that some might not make it out alive. At least one major character will be changed forever.


While the definitive date for the Forever Evil crossover event has not been officially announced, we do know that it will happen sometime after Villain Month which would put it (at earliest) in the October time frame. We also do not know if the miniseries Forever Evil will be monthly, biweekly, or weekly. My assumption would be that it would either be biweekly or monthly. Only time, and DC Comics will tell.

DC Comics Villain Month is Official

Dan DiDio and Jim Lee sat down with Buzzfeed and discussed the upcoming DC Comics Villain Month. They confirmed many of the rumors about the month and cleared up many of the points of speculation.

DC Comics Villain Month

DC Comics Villain Month

DC Comics Villain Month is a Reality

After months of rumors and speculation, it can be confirmed that the DC Comics Villain Month will be coming in September. I received confirmation about the event a few months ago from someone at DC Comics, but was asked not to discuss anything until the official announcement was made. Remember, I am against posting spoilers on this site, so I had to live and die by the sword I wield.

The Focus of DC Comics Villain Month

During September, DC Comics will focus on the motivations and psychological inspections of the villains we have come to know so well. The goal will not be to humanize them (according to the interview) but to give us a deeper understanding of them.

What Will Happen During the DC Comics Villain Month?

Each of the New 52 titles will be taken over by a villain and will be renamed as a #1 issue for that particular character for the month of September. In the lineage of the comic, though, this will be a .1 issue. Hence, Grood #1 will actually be Flash #23.1.

The Interesting Covers of DC Comics Villain Month

The covers of DC Comics Villain Month will all be 3D. Jim Lee explained during the interview that the covers will be two-layer 3D motion covers.

The Titles Announced for DC Comics Villain Month

The titles officially announced so far for DC Comics Villain Month include (regular title in parentheses):

Two Face #1 (Batman & Robin)

Desaad #1 (Earth 2)

Creeper #1 (Justice League Dark)

Darkseid #1 (Justice League)

Ventriloquist #1 (Batman The Dark Knight)

Relik #1 (Green Lantern)

Cyborg Superman #1 (Action Comics)

Bizzaro #1 (Superman)

Grood #1 (Flash)

Poison Ivy #1 (Batman Detective Comics)

DC Comics Villain Month is a Transition

According to the interview, DC Comics Villain Month will be set up by the final events of the Trinity War crossover series. The events of the DC Comics Villain Month will lead into the first major crossover of the New 52 and will be entitled Forever Evil.