Can Marvel Bounce Back After September?

On Monday, DC Comics made their lead announcements about DC Comics Villain Month and Forever Evil, but where does that leave Marvel? September will be a huge month for the company holding second place in market share and DC will probably take over the standings that month. What will Marvel do to battle back?

Marvel's market share is dropping

Marvel’s market share is dropping

Could DC Comics Lead for One Month?

There is a good chance that DC Comics will only lead during the month of September and Marvel will simply have to wait until October to take back over. I see this as an unlikely chance, though.

Villain Month Could Be Biggest Month Since the New 52

I see Villain Month being the biggest month for DC Comics since the launch of the New 52. I know that I am going to pick up some extra titles since there are villains I like in comics I don’t traditionally read. Also, since Batman, Batman Detective Comics, and Batman & Robin are on my pull list, I am going to have to pick up extra copies of each since those comics will have multiple .1 issues in September. I have recently been getting into Flash and Justice League of America, so I will have to pick up their multiple issues as well. I am sure many other people will have the same problem. My readership of the comics I regularly follow will expand, and my readership of a few other titles I pick up for the villains may expand as well.

Forever Evil

With Forever Evil following Villain Month, DC Comics has a good chance of holding onto their lead as people try to see what the first major crossover event of the New 52 can offer. I see DC Comics continuing to hold higher market share into October and possibly November.

Is Infinity Enough?

Marvel’s Infinity is launching soon, but will that be enough to pull share from DC Comics and the independents? Realize, major crossovers are the status quo for Marvel and we have seen them pull off major crossovers year-in and year-out. Are people going to become tired of what Marvel gives us every year? Infinity needs to be one of the strongest crossovers in the last five years if Marvel wants a chance of staying on top this year.

Worst Case Scenario

Villain Month and Forever Evil have been rumored about for months. There is a strong chance Marvel has had more than enough time to plan. What makes me nervous is that Marvel is going to try to pull out extra stops in the fourth quarter. Could they make massive changes just to try to stay on top? Could they kill off characters out of desperation to hold the coverage on comic book sites like this during October? Only time will tell.

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