WWC at New York Comic Con!

Hey everyone! Many of you have asked if I will be at New York Comic Con this year. Sadly, I will not be. My nephew and the love of his life are getting married this weekend and my wife and my sister have told me that they would rather I be at the wedding than out gallivanting in the Big Apple with tens of thousands of people who share many of my interests. You know I am not one to back away from a fight – but I back away from fights with my wife and sister as much as possible.

new-york-comic-con1Don’t Worry – There is Still a Presence at New York Comic Con!

As I am writing this, Dennis is in transit to New York. Just as with San Diego Comic-Con International, Dennis will send cosplay pictures for the Cosplay Photo Gallery and a few extras if he is able to. We will also discuss his trip when he gets back.

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