Why I am Happy I am Not at San Diego Comic-Con International

I have to say that I am of the minority when I say that I am happy I am not at San Diego Comic-Con International right now. I will occasionally go to large comic book conventions, but I prefer the smaller ones when they come up.

Comic-Con International

Comic-Con International

I Will be Saving Money

Since I am not going to San Diego Comic-Con International this year, I will be saving money which I can spend at smaller conventions and shows later this year (like King Kon on Auguest 3 and Detroit Fanfare). I don’t have to worry about the ticket price or the airfare. I don’t have to worry about figuring out how I am going to buy everything I might want and still have money left over for food. These worries will be foreign to me when discussing San Diego Comic-Con International.

Not Getting Bumped Around

If you have met me, you know that I am not a big guy. Granted, I am six feet tall, but I am around 175 and get bumped around often at bigger conventions. I prefer the smaller conventions where I can look through long and short boxes or check out booths without drowning in a sea of people while trying to hold my footing on the floor of a convention like San Diego Comic-Con International.

No Lines

There were issues earlier this year when there were conventions plagued with long lines. The funny thing is, this is something which has become expected at San Diego Comic-Con. International. Nope, instead of waiting an hour in line for a hot dog, I can go into the kitchen and make one for myself (at a fraction of the cost).


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