The Walking Dead: Are the Zombies Still Important?

Someone was in the store the other day and asked if zombies were important anymore on The Walking Dead. He believed that the show had spiraled into only being about human relationships and that the walkers were no longer needed or important. I have to disagree.

The Walking Dead

Should there be cannibals on The Walking Dead?

Reason for the Walkers on The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is a zombie story because it uses zombies as a catalyst for action. In all honesty, a very similar story could have been told in Season 3 (humans vs. humans) in any type of post-apocalyptic setting. We might have seen The Governor battle Rick in much the same way in a Day-After-Tomorrow type story or in one which secluded people due to a major virus being spread.

Most Important Aspect of The Walking Dead

I have always been surprised by people who believe The Walking Dead is only a zombie story. The same people often complain that there were not enough zombies in a particular episode or season. The most important aspect of The Walking Dead is human interaction during a prolonged stressful event. Zombies are just the causes of the prolonged stressful event. They are not the stars of the show and are not required to have screen time every five minutes.

Actual Need for Zombies on The Walking Dead

Simply put – zombies are hot and continue to be one of the hottest pop culture creations. Would you have watched The Walking Dead if the catalyst was Mad Cow’s Disease? Would the show have gained such a following if it was about how people dealt with a giant snowstorm? Would you have watched if it was simply a show about how people were dealing with all of the electricity being shut off (lol)? The zombies in The Walking Dead got us to turn on, and the story got us to tune in.

The Need Now for Zombies on The Walking Dead

The creators of the show have been able to get away from the crutch of the zombies being the main antagonist. Zombies have gone more into the background and the human story has taken center stage. The zombies still need to be on The Walking Dead to remind us each week about what got the world to this point. They need to remain to stay as a constant reminder about what will become of everyone in the world unless some type of cure is found.

See what Walking Dead items we have for sale on Amazon.

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