Tag: wonderworld comics

Thank You Letter from Dennis Barger to DC Entertainment

A letter to DC Entertainment from Dennis Barger comics retailer,


Dear Jim and Dan:

The real villains of Villain Month?

Oh, DC Entertainment – Bleeding Cool and some other sites used this artwork with permission by us – the creators. If you are going to use it in the future, please credit Wonderworld Comics, WonderWorldComics, or Robert Bowman.

I’d like to take a moment between calls number 15 and 16 first thing in the morning asking if we have 3D Joker’s Daughter comics to thank you for all your support for DC’s Villains Month. You know, like when you skipped the middle 2,800 miles of the US to have a Road Show Stops and let us know what was going on. Or when you had your sales reps call me and tell me to up my order wasting my time because apparently you knew these would be allocated. Oh, and at the SDCC Diamond Retailers Lunch when you had Bob say he had placed the orders ahead of time and we should increase our orders and that there might be slight allocations. Especially for the time my managers and I sat around for 2 hours strategizing about how many we should order. The best part was when you Dan announced at Boston that there would be allocations before FOC was due. But my favorite time you helped me out was by announcing “The Allocation” totals 5 minutes before you closed on a Friday and that we had to put a strategy in place by Monday to place 2D orders to make up for your failures in production or ordering.

From the time you started to talk about this initiative with us, we knew it would be a half-assed and thrown together venture, but we gave you the benefit of the doubt. We also had very little concerns over ordering and allocations because you kept using the word slight. I fully appreciate you dictating to us what we have to do and how we were incorrect in our frustrations and through every stage of this process pretending like this was a good thing. And while you had bumps along the way, I hope, in the end, after you post record September profits, counting your piles of money from getting retailers to order 133% more of your product then we wanted to. Your assertion “that when it is all done the outcome was positive for all involved” has missed the point entirely.

We, the retailers, are your customers. You have inconvenienced us, you have forced us to do more work to get what we actually wanted from you, you have forced us to give you more money than we wanted to and you have forced me to make decisions that I did not want to make as to who gets them. Funny, your choices to treat us like this have forced us to treat our customers similar to this and they feel the same way I do right now. They wanted the books, they expected us to order them and have them in stock, they didn’t expect to have to go through the extra time of going from shop to shop looking for them, they didn’t expect to have to pay $10 or more from comic shops to get them and unlike you I am sure as hell not going to write them a letter like you just wrote to me, gloating about how much money I made this month off of my customers misery. “We listened to you”, did you? “and have learned from the experience” like you’ve said for the past 2 years?

As we continue to look at ways to excite our customers with comics from publishers that know what they are doing in terms of supplying their distribution chain and invigorate the market of the other 70% of the comic book industry I will try to remember that I actually like both of your skills as creators, but just really think you are piss poor managers of 3/10th of my stores product line.

Villains Month has been one of the most infuriating, disrespectful and unprofessional months I have ever had the misfortune of enduring in the 8 1/2 years I have been a comic retailers and I owe so much of those feelings to our “partnership” with you.

Again, thank you!

Your customer and apparent Partner,

Dennis Barger
Wonderworld Comics

Advertising Opportunities on WonderWorldComics.com

Interested in opening up your business to more customers in the Metro Detroit area? Are you interested in placing your company in the global marketplace? Advertise on WonderWorldComics.com and get noticed by thousands of customers around the world every day.

We relaunched WonderWorldComics.com on February 10, 2013 as a comic book news and information site. Within a very short amount of time, we broke into the Top 10 comic book news and information sites in the world. We continue to grow every week and look forward to making a run for the Top 5 within the upcoming months. Simply put, we are the fastest-growing comic book news and information site around.

Currently, we are averaging over 3,500 unique readers a day (up from the few hundred a month prior to relaunch). These numbers continue to go up every month. This is a prime time to check out our reasonable advertising rates. About 12 percent of our readers are in the Metro Detroit area, but the other 88 percent represent over 48 different countries and every other state in our country. Roughly 93 percent of our traffic is in the U.S., and about 7 percent comes from outside the country.

Earlier this year, we ran the WWC March Madness Contest which set comic book titles in a bracket tournament. It made us the talk of the industry and increased our traffic by hundreds of percentage points. We are running a similar contest within the next few months and will have the return of the WWC March Madness Content in the Spring. Sign up now for advertising before it begins selling at a premium.

If you are interested in advertising on WonderWorldComics.com, send a message to Larry@WonderWorldComics.com and title it “Advertising Options.” We can cater our advertising packages to fit most needs. Let “Your Collection Connection” become your connection to thousands of potential customers a day.

Adding More Correspondents, Writers, and Investigators…Soon

Very soon, WonderWorldComics.com will be announcing new correspondents, writers, and investigators. The response to WonderWorldComics.com has been huge, and it is time for us to go through another expansion. Our traffic rankings have exceeded our expectations, and it is time for us to reach in more directions than before.

The goal of this site is to give a voice to the comic book community, while helping people improve their collections. Those collections are getting stronger and your voice in the industry is getting louder!

Dirk Manning Coming to Wonderworld Comics on Sept. 14!

Dirk Manning, writer of Love Stories (to Die For), Nightmare World, and Write or Wrong, will be at Wonderworld Comics for a special signing on September 14, 2013!

1013443_10151893853650955_1662471541_nThe Vitals

Who: Dirk Manning

Date: September 14, 2013

Time: 12:00 am – 4:00 pm

In honor of our guest, Dirk Manning, his favorite drink – Shirley Temples – will be served all day!

Come on out, meet the man, get your copy of Love Stories (to Die For) autographed!

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Register on Facebook to let us know you are coming!

New Hours at Wonderworld Comics Starting 9/9/2013

Starting Monday, 9/9/2013, Wonderworld Comics will be open during the following times:

Sunday: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Monday: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Tuesday: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Wednesday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Thursday: 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Friday: 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Saturday: 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

On Sunday, the hours of operation will change on this website to reflect the new hours.

September 4, 2013: Worst Day Ever for Comic Book Stores?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013, will be a day that owners of comic book stores will remember for a long time. For many comic book stores, it will be a perfect storm that they will pray will never happen again. It is a day which might break many comic book stores around the country.

Forever Evil / Villain Month

Forever Evil / Villain Month

September 4, 2013 Issue #1

The Villain Month allocation is hitting most comic book stores hard. Wednesday is the day they have to explain to the majority of their empty-handed customers about why they cannot get the collectible cover they want. There is going to be anger, accusations, and sadness. Owners and workers are going to have to deal with this.

September 4, 2013 Issue #2

The Wednesday will be the Wednesday after a holiday, so the Diamond shipments will hit stores a day later than usual. There will be a mad rush to get the comics out on the shelves as quickly as possible. In many cases, customers are going to have to be told to come back later to get their issues – if they will be able to get them at all.  This will be another series of blows hitting the workers and owners of comic book stores all over.

September 4, 2013 Issue #3

Along with over 25 Villain Month issue coming out on the fateful day, there are other big titles hitting as well. Forever Evil #1, X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1, the Star Wars Lucas Draft #1, Infinity #2, Superior Spider-Man #17, and many other big titles all all hitting on the same day. For many comic book stores, this will be the biggest shipment they have ever gotten on a day they have been dreading for weeks. This will have to be processed asap.

September 4, 2013 Issue #4

On top of all of this, I would not be surprised by long lines before the comic book stores open. Fans are going to line up for their chance to get the titles they want. So comic book stores are going to have to deal with long lines for a late shipment which will not have the amount of product they ordered for one of the biggest comic book events in years.

Tuesday the Last Day for Special Amazon Code

Tuesday, 8/13/2013, will be the last day you can use the WONDERCO coupon code in the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store. This will be the last chance you have to get the great collectibles we have online at $25% off. Remember, the discount does not apply to taxes and shipping fees. How much money will you save in the next few days?

Find out Amazon Store by following this link!

25% Off Everything in Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store 7/30-8/13!!!

Announcing: The Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store Sale! 25% off everything in the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store from 7/30/2013-8/13/2013! Thousands of total products going on sale for two weeks via a special coupon code!

Click picture to be taken to the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store. The sale prices will begin appearing on 7/30.

Click picture to be taken to the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store. The coupon code will appear on 7/30.

What is Going On?

Starting on Tuesday, 7/30/2013, every single item in the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store will be 25% off via coupon code. There are thousands of different products we have listed, and they will all be on sale – no exclusions. The sale will run until Tuesday 8/13/2013. The discount will not apply to required taxes or shipping.

This is Your Chance!

This is the best time to expand your collection – no matter what you collect. Now is the time to search the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store for that back issue you need to finish a run. Now is the time to check around in the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store for that toy you wish you still had from your childhood. Now is the time to increase the power of your deck with cards from past expansions you missed out on. The Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store Sale gives you the opportunity to purchase that rare figurine you have wanted on your mantle for months.

Start a Collection

Have you considered starting to collect a certain item, but prices have been a little out of your reach? Now is the time to take that first step. With the Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store Sale, you can start your collection and learn what joys collecting can bring.

Two Days to Plan

Click the button above to be taken to the Wonderworld Comics Amazon store. While there, search for the items you want and plan your attack. On Tuesday, the coupon code will appear for the Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store Sale. Order up your items early. Many of the rare items might be gone within the first few days (if not hours) of the Wonderworld Comics Amazon Store Sale. What are you waiting for? Get planning!

Comments Reopening On WWC!

After many requests, much research, and a ton of trail an error – the ability to comment on articles on WonderWorldComics is rolling out once again. Please read this post if you are going to be commenting.

Note, this posting is originally dated 7/19/2013. By the time you are reading this, some of the changes expected to take place should have already happened.

Why We Blocked Comments

We were forced to block the ability to comment on articles because we were inundated with spam comments. I know you don’t want to read through dozens of spam comments to see what people think, so I had to figure out a way to block them.

What You Need To Do

If you are interested in commenting, you are going to have to register with the site. There is no way around that. These are the steps which need to be taken:

  1. Send an email to me at Larry@WonderWorldComics.com entitled “I want to comment” or something along that line.
  2. In the email – I need your name (First and Last), the name you want to go by in the comments (such as a screen name), and a password which is between 7-12 characters. These screen names and passwords will be case sensitive.
  3. At the present time, I am going to have to approve each commentor application manually, so it might take me up to a day to get back to you.
  4. Once you are approved, go to WonderWorldComics.com and post a comment on an article. The comment will not appear right away because I have to manually approve your first comment. After your first comment is approve, you are ready to go.
  5. If you lost your password or screen name, email me and I will send them to you as quickly as I can.

Commenting Rules

This is a PG-13 site. Please don’t swear, harass, make statements against someone’s race, origin, sex, sexual orientation, or religion. It is fine to rip on people such as Dan DiDio.

If I catch you posting spam, harassing, or anything else against the rules, your commenting membership will be revoked.

Right Now

Right now, comments are going to be open for all of the articles I have added in the last few days. The comments sections for older articles will roll out slowly over the next week or so. If there is an older article you really want to comment on, let me know and I will move it up the list.

Future No Comment Articles

You will occasionally see an article which will have a note listed at the end about no comments on the article. There are certain article which will appear which do not require commenting or the comments are closed for some reason. This will be rare, and will be on a case-by-case basis.

Server Migration Causing WWC Loading Issues

If you are reading this, chances are good that you are one of the lucky ones right now. As I stated earlier on the Facebook page, our web service company is migrating to new servers, so this site will be up and down over the next few days. If you get some type of error message when you try to get on the site, don’t worry – we have not gone anywhere.

The time frame given by our server company places full resolution sometime around Friday morning (7/19). Between now and then, I will post when I can as server lags will impact the back end of this site more than the front end. Sorry about any issues this causes, but it is out of our control.


San Diego Comic-Con International: Our Presence There

I have received a few emails over the last week asking if I am going to be at San Diego Comic-Con International. Sadly, I will not be this year because of various other plans I have set over the next month. Don’t worry, the website and store will have a presence at the event this year.

IMG_8588Who is Going?

Dennis Barger, co-owner of Wonderworld Comics will be in attendance this year. He will be messaging me with any important information you need to know about and will be taking as many cosplay pictures as he can for our Cosplay Photo Gallery.

Don’t Forget

Wonderworld Comics has the esteemed honor this year of being nominated for a Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award. This honor have gone a step further, and we have been named as one of the 15 finalists for the award. The award will be given at San Diego Comic-Con International and Dennis will be there.

What This Means

The Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award is an international award which means Wonderworld Comics is being considered as one of the best comic book stores in the world. This is not simply a reflection of ownership and the staff. This is also a reflection of the great customers we have and the great friends we have made over the years through the store. Congratulate yourselves as this honor is as equally yours as it is ours.

My Task

I am going to weed through all of the news comic out of San Diego over the next week and give you my opinions on the most important and impactful items which you need to know about. Keep your eyes on this site for the information which will impact you, us, and the comic book industry the most.

Alex Barger Representing Wonderworld Comics at Yu-Gi-Oh! North American World Championship Qualifier

Alexander Barger, son of Wonderworld Comics co-owner Dennis Barger, is representing Wonderworld Comics at the Yu-Gi-Oh! North American World Championship Qualifier in Chicago! The YuGi-Oh! North American World Championship Qualifier is an invite-only event which Alex qualified for by placing third at a qualifying event earlier this year.

For those of you who don't know, Alex is picture second from the left.

For those of you who don’t know, Alex is picture second from the left.

What Could Happen?

If Alex places in one of the top six positions at the Yu-Gi-Oh! North American World Championship Qualifier, he will win travel and accommodations to the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships later this year in Las Vegas, Nevada.  If Alex places in 1st place, Alex will be deemed the Yu-Gi-Oh! North American Champion!

Even being invited to the Yu-Gi-Oh! North American World Championship is an extreme honor for the young man. This is sure to be an experience he will remember for the rest of his life.

Want to Compete Against Alex?

Alex gets his practice in the weekly tournaments held at our Detroit area location. You can learn more about our tournaments by checking out the Yu-Gi-Oh! Page on this site.

Our Message

The entire staff of Wonderworld Comics, and those of us at WonderWorldComics.com are all pushing for Alex and hope he does the best he can do!

Gaming, Toys, and Conventions Now Part of Collector’s Corner

You might have noticed that the Collector’s Corner section on WonderWorldComics.com has moved slightly. You also might have noticed that Collector’s Corner is now split into multiple sections. This is a website project I have been devising and working on over the last few days. Why did I do it?

New Collector's Corner sections!

New Collector’s Corner sections!

The New Collector’s Corner Sections

Instead of simply being one general area for Collector’s Corner, the category has been broken into four separate subcategories. The subcategories are Comic Book Collecting, Toy Collecting, Gaming Collecting, and Conventions. You will see an arrow next to the words “Collector’s Corner” in the top menu on the front page. Hovering over the tab will show the new sections. I have spent much of the day moving the old articles from Collector’s Corner into the appropriate subcategories.

Why Did Wonderworld Comics Do This?

Not only does Wonderworld Comics specialize in comic books, the company also specializes in collectible toys, collectible gaming (card and tabletop), and in many other areas as well. Since our store is so diversified, I felt it was time for the website to become more diversified as well.

No Worries

Don’t worry about the site being overrun with articles about everything other than comics. The main focus on the site will be on comics, comic book collecting, and comic book news. One of the new sections is labeled Conventions, but there have been convention articles since the beginning of content on this site. Those convention articles did not overwhelm, so don’t worry about toy and gaming articles taking over.

The Plans

I have some interesting ideas for the Gaming Collecting subcategory. I have been playing role-playing games for almost three decades and have been collecting gaming books for about 15 years. I have various types of gaming collecting articles lined up, even some which would interest people who have never gamed before.

The Toy Collecting section could be expansive, and might be one day. For now, I am going to keep the articles general, but will focus on some various lines of toys such as LEGO, GI Joe, Masters of the Universe, Transformers, and some of the other classics.

Now that all of the behind-the-scenes planning and implementing of these sections from the last few days is out of the way, I can get back to doing what I really love to do – delivering content which you will not find anywhere else.

Wonderworld Comics Book Club Week #1: Hawkeye

If you missed Wonderworld Comic’s Comic Book Book Club (to be referred to hereafter as WCCBBC) this week, you missed a great conversation and a lot of fun! We read Hawkeye: My Life As a Weapon (Volume 1). Here are some of the fun discussion topics you missed:

Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics

1.)    The art of Hawkeye. We all agree that we enjoy the minimalist style, because it lets you become more emotionally invested in the characters instead of distracted by really detailed artistic renderings of scenes. The art in each panel shows you enough so that you know what’s going on, but little enough so that the dialogue is necessary.

2.)    Clint Barton and Kate Bishop are fantastic characters in that they’re both three-dimensional and relatable. Their banter is smart, funny, and friendly, and the two of them play off each other perfectly.

3.)    Hawkeye is wonderfully devoid of the male gaze, which is something you don’t often see in mainstream, popular comics. There are no gratuitous T/A shots and the only woman you actually see Clint sexually involved with is actually pretty androgynous when you first see her.

4.)    Some side conversation took place regarding Disney’s buying of Marvel Studios and the subsequent worries that arise. Will Disney steer clear of more mature themes that Marvel tackles? Will this ruin some of the darker back-stories of some of our favorite characters? In an effort to appeal to the widest audience possible, you can all but guarantee that Disney will be keeping Marvel at a solid PG-13 rating. Will this take away from any of the characters and stories we already know and love?

5.)    We also had a short side conversation on ABC’s upcoming series Agents of SHIELD. We’re hoping we’ll see cameos from both Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, since they’re not just Avengers, but also SHIELD agents.

Needless to say, a fun time was had by all. Next week, we’ll be reading volume one of Saga. Stop by the store to pick up a copy at a special, book club price. We meet Sundays at 1:00 at Wonderworld Comics, and we hope to see you there!

Huge Week at Wonderworld Comics in Taylor!

We are having a huge week this week at Wonderworld Comics. Finishing touches are being placed on the huge week that we have in store for you. Just check out the huge events this week.

Compound Fracture

Compound Fracture

Tyler Mane, Scares that Care, and the Compound Fracture Tour

Tuesday will find Tyler Mane in the store in support of both Scares that Care and his new movie, Compound Fracture. He will be signing autographs for the charity which helps sick children and women with breast cancer. At the same time, he will be discussing Compound Fracture. You will have the chance to meet the man behind the mask of Michael Myers in Rob Zombie’s Halloween movies. He was also Sabertooth in X-Men. He will star as Michael Wolffsen in Compound Fracture.

To learn more about the event, check the event page on Facebook.

To learn more about Compound Fracture, please follow this link.

More information on Scares that Care here.

Dave Santia

Speed Painter Dave Santia will return to Wonderworld Comics on Tuesday and he will have his easel and brushes with him. He will be creating two secret pieces of art in honor of Tyler Mane. Make sure you don’t miss him because he fills the house every time he paints. He mixes rock and roll, pop culture, and his ability to paint faster than anyone you have seen to create masterful works of art.

Josh Blalock, Devil’s Due Publishing, and the Merch Sparx Tour

Josh Blalock, founder and publisher of Devil’s Due Publishing, will be at the store this week with his Mercy Sparx tour. The tour will officially be at Wonderworld Comics on Wednesday, but he will also be stopping by the store Tuesday evening to check out the Tyler Mane event.

Mercy Sparx is a character born somewhere between Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. She is on a mission from God to hunt down angels hiding out on Earth. Josh will be talking about the project along with other projects from Devil’s Due Publishing including Halloween: Nightdance (one of my favorite Gems of the Warehouse).

You can learn more about Devil’s Due Publishing by following this link.

Big Releases at Wonderworld Comics

Two BIG issues come out this Wednesday when we see the release of Age of Ultron #10ai and Batman/Superman #1. We have a handful of Batman/Superman variants coming out as well. These are two of the most anticipated titles of the summer, so make sure you stop by to check them out.

Other issues of note coming out are Atomic Robo: The Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #1 (of 5) will be coming from Red 5, Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #1 from IDW, Grimm Fairy Tales Annual 2013 from Zenescope, the final Hack/Slash Trade Paperback will be in from Image, Superman Vol. 1: What Price Tomorrow from DC Comics, Uncanny #1 from Dynamite, and the Trinity War will begin playing out in the pages of Justice League Dark, Justice League of America, and Justice League.

You can see other titles releasing this week by following this link.

This is going to be an epic week for the store that many of us will remember for years to come. Of course, you are encouraged to cosplay during the big events this week. Your picture might end up on this site. See you at Wonderworld Comics this week!

Why You Should Attend Tyler Mane’s Appearance at Wonderworld Comics

As you probably know by now, Tyler Mane of Compound Fracture, Rob Zombie’s Halloween series, and X-Men, will be appearing at our Detroit area comic book store on Tuesday, June 25. There are many reasons why you should plan on stopping in.

Tyler Mane will be at Wonderworld Comics on June 25, 2013!

Tyler Mane will be at Wonderworld Comics on June 25, 2013!

Not as Crowded as a Convention

Since there will not be as many people in Wonderworld Comics as would be at a convention, you should expect to have at least an extra moment or two with Tyler Mane. We have all been to conventions where the lines are so long that we can only spend a few moments with our favored stars. With the store appearance, you will not have to flash by his table in a matter of seconds before being ushered along. This type of opportunity with a star does not happen often.

Learn About a Movie Before Others Do

With Tyler Mane stopping by the store, you have the opportunity to learn about Compound Fracture before the mainstream viewers do. You can be that gal or guy who knows intimate details about the movie others might not because you were able to hear a star of the film talking about it.

It Supports a Good Cause

Scares that Care is a non-profit which helps sick children and women with breast cancer. You can rest well on Tuesday night knowing that you helped make a sick child’s life a little more manageable. You can rest easy knowing that there is a woman out there who is getting the support she needs to fight her battle with breast cancer.

The Cosplay

Yes, there will be cosplay at this event. While cosplay is not a requirement, you are encouraged (if you want to) to dress up as one of your favorite characters from one of Tyler Mane’s movies. Who will you be?

You Know Interesting Things Happen

Those of you who have been at Wonderworld Comics during one of our events know that they are a ton of fun. Tyler Mane’s promotion of Compound Fracture in support of Scares that Care will not be an exception to our rule that everyone who attends should have as much fun as legally possible. Stop by, have some fun, and go home happy knowing that you did something good for someone.

Please take a moment to RSVP to the event through Facebook.

Superman Day at Wonderworld Comics

Everyone who stopped into Wonderworld Comics today for Superman Day was apparently happy they came. It was a blast today with cake, costumes, cute kids, comics, captivating discussions, complimentive customer service, commissioned art by comic creators, and Jay Towers. Below, you will find many of the pictures taken during the event.

Photos courtesy of Amber Palmer















































































































































































































































Tyler Mane Will be at Wonderworld Comics on June 25!

Tyler Mane, who played Michael Myers in both of Rob Zombie’s remakes of Halloween, will be appearing at Wonderworld Comics in Taylor, MI on June 25, 2013. He will sign autographs from 5:00pm – 7:00pm and will be promoting his upcoming movie entitled Compound Fracture. Proceeds from this autograph session will support the Scares that Care charity.

Tyler Mane will be at Wonderworld Comics on June 25, 2013!

Tyler Mane will be at Wonderworld Comics on June 25, 2013!

Tyler Mane will star as Michael Wolffsen in the 2013 movie Compound Fracture. The character takes his family to visit his estranged and eccentric father (played by Muse Watson) who is building an unassailable compound to calm his unsetting dementia. As the film progresses, the stars will learn of a ghost named William (played by Derek Mears) which haunts the compound as carnage of the characters begins. Escaping the compound will become as much of a menace as the spirit. To find out more about Compound Fracture, please follow this link to the movie’s official website.

Tyler Mane has also stared as Michael Myers in Rob Zombie’s Halloween and Rob Zombie’s Halloween II. He is also known for his portrayal of Sabretooth in the first X-Men movie and for his portrayal as Ajax in Troy. To learn more about Tyler Mane, please follow this link to his IMDB posting.

Scares that Care is a non-profit organization which utilizes the horror fan base to help various charities. The organization provides money, toys, and other items to help sick children. Scares that Care is also the primary supporter of “Scares for Pairs” which helps women fighting breast cancer and I Helped Kane (partnered with Kane Hodder of Friday the 13th) to help children suffering from serious burns. You can learn more about Scares that Care by following this link to their website.

I Really Like Fillmore Press, and I Think that Might Mean I’m Going to Hell

One of my friends suggested I read Bedlam. Thanks a lot, Todd; now I have just one more comic series that I have to read every single issue of. I have actual work to do, you know. All these comics are too good and they’re preventing me from being productive!

At least, that’s my excuse. As it stands, I read volume one of Bedlam today and discovered that I really like Fillmore Press, and I think that might mean I’m going to hell. Seriously.



Fillmore’s evil, right? He massacres women and children with no remorse and he doesn’t appear to have any ability to discern between right and wrong. That makes him a sociopath at the very least. He’s not a very likable character.

Then why do I like him so much? Why does he make so much sense to me? Let me back up here and assure you that I have no intention of committing mass murder, and the very thought appalls me. I’m not queasy or anything, but I have nightmares just like anyone else, and every time I hear of another mass shooting/killing spree/bombing/terrorist attack, I have a hard time sleeping. Because people, you know, they’re not supposed to do those things.

But as Fillmore is being questioned by the police after his massacre as Madder Red, he argues that humanity is the monster, not Fillmore himself. That we’re all media-hungry, selfish, arrogant capitalists who do these things to ourselves. We first create villains, then we punish them, because that’s what makes us feel better about the world we’ve created for ourselves. Competition is what we live for, and when someone or something undermines our authority (whether that authority is moral, legal, or philosophical), we get angry and we take them down.

After 10 years of very mysterious “therapy,” Fillmore is deemed corrected enough to return to mainstream society slowly and ends up helping the police solve a number of murders and find the serial killer responsible. Through it all, Fillmore knows there’s something wrong with him, but he’s absolutely brilliant and his experience of being a serial killer helps him to get into the minds of other serial killers. He decides to do good.

It’s rather fitting that the name of the town is Bedlam and I’m assuming that it has that name for a very good reason. Maybe the entire story takes place solely in Fillmore’s mind. Or maybe I’m just getting super-meta.

Regardless. Nick Spencer posits the very question of the Problem of Evil with Bedlam, and the story goes so far as to include a priest, a man of God, in the storyline as the puppeteer behind the strings. I’m shocked and excited to find something so deeply philosophical and truly unsettling in a comic book. I’ve read good vs. evil and hero vs. villain and so on and so forth. But Bedlam raises all sorts of uncomfortable questions, the most important one being the tagline of the entire series:

Is evil just something you are or something you do?

New Comic Book Book Club Coming to Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics will now be hosting a comic book book club!Oh, you read that right.

Thanks to a fortuitous Facebook post and subsequent ramblings, Wonderworld Comics is going to be hosting a book club: comic book style!

Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics

What and When?

Our first meeting will be on Sunday, July 6 (time TBA). We’ll be discussing Hawkeye: Volume 1. If you don’t already have a copy of the trade paperback, stop by Wonderworld Comics and pick it up at a very special, book club member discounted price. Just stop in, let one of the fantastic workers know you’re interested, and they’ll lead the way to the comic book of the week.

If you’ve never been in any sort of book club before, don’t worry. And if you’ve never really been into comic books before, don’t worry about that, either! You’re going to be in great company.

Here’s the way it works

You show up.

People will be there.

You’ve all read the same thing, so everyone knows what everyone else is talking about.

You discuss the comic book. ANYTHING you want to talk about, talk about it!

The First Session

For this first session, I’ll put together a list of discussion points to start out on. It’s definitely not a required talking points list, and varying from the list is not only expected, it’s encouraged. The list will just be our diving board; the pool is Olympic-sized!

If you have any questions, just stop in or call. We’d love to get a great group together and discuss a new comic either every week or every two weeks. And as the club grows, so will our guest speakers! Any suggestions or requests for discussion? Leave ’em in a comment and let’s get this going!

Superman Day Events at Wonderworld Comics

The theatrical release of Man of Steel is quickly approaching. Wonderworld Comics is celebrating a special Superman Day on June 12, 2013. Here is an excerpt from the press release about the event.

Man of Steel Day is June 12, 2013!

Man of Steel Day is June 12, 2013!

Wonderworld Comics in Taylor, MI will be celebrating the theatrical release of Man of Steel with Superman Day at the store with special guests, special events, and giveaways.

Jay Towers and Fresh 100.3 will be appearing at the Wonderworld Comics Superman Day events on June 12, 2013. Jay Towers and his crew will be live from 12:00pm until 2:00pm, but the Superman Day events will be going on all day at the Detroit comic shop.

Prizes will be given away at various times throughout the day.

Free Superman comics will be given away.

The day also marks the release of Jim Lee and Scott Snyder’s Superman Unchained #1.

Representatives from the U.S. Army Soldiers of Steel Campaign will be at Wonderworld Comics and hold a push-up contest.

Comic book artists and sketch artists will be on hand selling prints and taking commissions for special artwork.

Customers and visitors are invited to come in costume to celebrate Superman Day with the staff at Wonderworld Comics. Guests are encouraged to wear Superman costumes, or costumes of characters associated with Superman, but it is not mandatory.

Have You Seen Wonderworld Comics’ Eisner Nomination Video Yet?

By now, you might have already seen the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award nomination video from Wonderworld Comics. If you have not, you can see it by following this link.

Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics

The staff at Wonderworld Comics had a ton of fun making this video and are proud to have the opportunity to submit this video in the first place. To me, the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award could be likened to a Comic Book Store Hall of Fame. This an extreme honor not only to the ownership and staff of a comic book store, but to the customers and fans as well.

I was proud of the job my daughter did (Maia – the little girl with glasses). I am also happy that any speaking part I had was edited out of the video. I may not have a problem typing whatever comes to mind, or speaking before crowds, but I have never liked being on camera.

At Wonderworld Comics, we do what we can to make sure your shopping experience is as enjoyable as possible. Many of you have become friends of the store or of particular workers over the years. We thank you because you make the store a living, breathing, and growing entity which is being globally recognized.

Who is JD Stockman?

[I am continuing the series started yesterday which will introduce you to the contributors on WonderWorldComics.com. You will note that so far, I am building a team with different strengths and interests.]

Greetings! I am JD Stockman: I am a student of life, an artist (professionally in tattoos), a writer, and a commentator. I’ve worked with Yahoo! for a few years; writing human interest, equal rights, science, philosophy, and education pieces mostly. If I were to identify my geekdom, I’d have to say I am a fan of other people’s fandom, mostly. I’ve long been an admirer of cosplay and the independent comic gone pro.

JD Stockman

JD Stockman

I also take a great deal of interest in the human quality of fiction, as well as whether or not the writers have struck it well. I enjoy a story that gives me enough fantasy to get lost in and enough reality to suspend my disbelief. Big sellers for me showcase the highs and lows of humanity.

One of my biggest pet peeves that seems to occur with greater frequency is the urge to retrofit the continuity of entire comic companies; and not always for good reason.

I am an avid reader, not collector. I don’t much care for slews of loose comic issues laying around; and that will become evident when you see my “must read” list below.

I love how comics are invading the rest of the media, but lets face it: DC is where you go for cartoons, Marvel is where you go for movies. Video game finally really caught on in the last few years; and for the record- I will kick all your asses with Auqaman on “Injustice”.

Finally, protests of “movies not being true to the comic” are met with scoffs that you should quit whining. Never in the history of movies has a book – comic or otherwise – translated exactly. That said, the industry does owe an apology for X-Men, Spider-Man, and Blade 3; Ghostrider, Bat-nipples, Daredevil,or Catwoman.


Most comic movies, all of DC Animation properties, Wolverine, Batman, Spider Jerusalem, modern mythology, (eventual) aging of a universe, updating characters for modern times (not to be mistaken for retro-continuity), story legacy, Christoper Nolan, Venture Bros.


Superman, commercially beating dead horses, endless or back-to-back company-wide story arcs, retro-continuity, “forever 21” characters, transparent plot devices, Rob Liefeld, Catwoman (movie), X-Men 3, Wolverine: Origins (comic or movie), Marvel Anime, tripping at the finish line of awesome story arcs.

JD’s Priority Reads:


Superman for all Seasons (and I hate Superman, so take this seriously)

Astro City: Life in the Big City

Daredevil: Guardian Devil


V is for Vendetta


World War Hulk

Identity Crisis

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

Memories of Free Comics Book Day 2013 at Wonderworld Comics

A great time was had by all at Wonderworld Comics this year for free comic book day.

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

Cosplay dancers at Wonderworld Comics of Free Comic Book Day 2013

It was great seeing many of you there and hearing about what you thought about the website. Some of your suggestions will be hitting this site over the next week.

I want to thank all of the customers and guests for helping everything run smoothly and for many of the regulars who helped out with setting up the chairs for Dave Santia’s shows or by giving suggestions to other customers when we were busy with others. You help to remind me how our store is built on the backs of great customers.

I am already looking forward to Free Comic Book Day 2014 (which should fall on May 3 next year).

Pictures from Free Comic Book Day will be posted here when they become available.

Special Message from WonderWorldComics.com

On February 10, 2013, we relaunched WonderWorldComics.com as a comic book news and information site. The response from not only customers at the store, but from readers all over the world, has been absolutely amazing. I want to take a moment to talk directly to all of you as to what you should expect from WonderWorldComics.com.

Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics

The First Goal of WonderWorldComics.com

There are two main goals of WonderWorldComics.com. First off, I believe a well-informed reader or collector can have a better connection to the industry at large with information. Articles on the site about the history of comics, symbolism of characters, and tips for collecting, help you understand the world of comics better and can deepen your connection with what you read and what you collect.

The Second Goal of WonderWorldComics.com

The second goal, and arguably the most important goal, is to give you a voice in the industry. While attending C2E2 recently, I was amazed by the number of people in the industry from creators to comic book company executives that were talking about WonderWorldComics.com. Many of them visit the site on a regular basis now to see what I have written about what is going on in the industry. After a little over two months, this site is already becoming a leader in the charge against what comic book companies are doing wrong and is becoming a leader in explaining to those companies how they can improve.  Comic book collectors and readers can have a voice in the industry and it is time for the collective voice to be heard.

WhatWonderWorldComics.com is Not

If you have not realized this already, I will point out that I try to do my best to stay clear of rumors from around the industry. If for some reason I have to discuss a rumor, you will know it is a rumor and will not be reported as fact unless I can confirm it. I apologize for any slips along the way but will do my best to stay on my feet when it comes to this promise. A goal of this site is to give information and information clouded by rumors is disinformation. I believe you deserve better.

What is Coming?

I am slowly opening the gates to new writers on WonderWorldComics.com. Over the next few months, you will see writers other than me making posts but I will hold them to the same goals and promisses which I hold dear. You will also begin to see guest contributions very soon. Oh, and expect a few more interesting contests in the upcoming months as well.

I am now able to devote more time to WonderWorldComics.com. I want this site to become as successful as possible to ensure there are as many informed comic book readers as possible and to ensure a market which is inviting to all types of comic book readers and collectors. At the same time, I want to take a role in ensuring our entertainment medium stays as strong as possible. While it is not possible at this time to run new contest 24 hours a day, there is an influx of new content coming at a higher rate from myself and from other contributors. WonderWorldComics.com is shifting into a higher gear because it needs to.

Thank You

Every single one of you needs to be thanked for making WonderWorldComics.com the success it is becoming. We are marching this site along a different path than most and are proud to know so many of you are marching with us.

If you ever see something going on in the industry you believe should be addressed on this site, make sure you stop me in the store if you are in the area. If you are unable to get to the store, you can always email me at Larry@WonderWorldComics.com. Remember, this site is your voice. I just put your voice into words.

C2E2 Coverage and Post-C2E2 Shift?

In two days, a delegation from Wonderworld Comics (including myself) will be heading to Chicago for the Diamond Retailer Summit and C2E2. There will be so much happening – I don’t know what I should tell you about first.

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?


I am lining up interviews with major players in the industry and with special guests who will be at C2E2 this year. Those interviews will begin appearing on this site as soon as I can get them transcribed.


During the week, I will be uploading some news commentary articles about what I heard and experienced throughout the week.


Yes,  I will be taking pictures throughout the week of the convention and there will be a ton of cosplay pictures taken during C2E2 to share with you.


You will just have to wait to see what surprises I have in store for you. There will be surprises.

What is the Shift?

Some of you have asked me about the shift on WonderWorldComics.com after C2E2 which I have alluded to. Don’t worry, you will still get the same types of articles and commentaries you have read before – but you are going to be getting more of them. The shift after C2E2 will not be away from anything or towards anything new. It will be a shift into a higher gear. Thanks for being along for the ride.

C2E2 Homepage

Wonderworld Comics Nominated for 2013 Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award!

Wonderworld Comics’ image as being a leader in community involvement and a leader in connecting comic book readers and collectors to the medium they love has sparked interest in the organizers of the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award and will bring positive international attention to the Metro Detroit area.

Wonderworld Comics

Wonderworld Comics

Dennis L. Barger, Jr. and Robert Bowman are humbled to announce that Wonderworld Comics in Taylor, MI has been nominated for the 2013 Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award. This is an annual award given during the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards at Comic-Con International: San Diego. This is the pinnacle award for comic book retailers and simply being nominated is an extreme honor.

A key judging point for the 2013 Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award is a store’s connection with the local community. Wonderworld Comics is a founding member of Detroit Fanfare Comic Con, a comic book convention held each October at the Adoba Hotel in Dearborn. This convention created an event named Blood4Comics where fans make donations of blood or money to the Red Cross in exchange for comics. This tradition has carried over to other conventions across the country. Detroit Fanfare Comic Con has also run food drives for Gleaners Food Bank and has contributed to other notable charities.

Scare Bears at our Detroit comic book store

Scare Bears at our Detroit comic book store

Wonderworld Comics is a co-founder and board member of the Shel Dorf Awards held at Detroit Fanfare Comic Con. This award ceremony is named after the founder of the Detroit Triple Fan Fare (the first comic book convention) and the founder of the Golden State Comic-Con which would become Comic-Con International: San Diego. In 2012 and early 2013, the Shel Dorf Awards raised money to purchase and erect a tombstone for the unmarked grave of the industry legend.

Wonderworld Comics is the organizer of the Detroit Organized Retailers of Comics, a conglomeration of local comic book stores which meets each year to discuss fair business practices in the area. The store is also a co-founder of DetroitComicBookStores.com which makes deals with comic book publishing companies to bring special variant-covered comics to collectors in the Metro Detroit area.

Recently, Wonderworld Comics received special notation in the comic book industry for warning other comic book stores in the Metro Detroit area of a group of men who were attempting to pass off counterfeit sketches supposedly drawn by major players in the comic book industry. The store shared its surveillance footage with other stores and the media and was key in helping to convince the perpetrators to return the product and money wrongfully gained from various local stores.

Among the other areas in which Wonderworld Comics will be judged, is the store’s ability to offer opportunities for creators to reach buyers. The diverse inventory at the store exceeds offerings at most comic book stores and is a location where shoppers can find rare and obscure titles right alongside the most popular titles from Marvel and DC Comics.

Wonderworld Comics will also be judged upon its ability to stay informed on the machinations of the comic book industry and its ability to come up with innovative techniques to involve customers. The store’s recently updated website has become a focal point in the comic book industry as it is giving comic book readers and collectors a voice on various issues facing the industry. The site has allowed comic book fans a seat at the table to question the large companies about the decision to introduce digital comics on the same day as the print versions are introduced in the stores and to show their support for brick-and-mortar stores. The site is not only giving collectors a deeper connection to their collections, it is giving readers and collectors connections to the industry at large.

Dennis L. Barger, Jr. is the face of Wonderworld Comics and is known for innovative ways to connect new readers of all ages to the comic book medium. Robert Bowman runs the day-to-day store operations. The store recently held a special event to benefit P.O.E.T. Animal Rescue and is one of the few mid-west Phantom Variant retailers. The store has hosted signing events with legendary creators such as Larry Hama, Gary Reed, and Billy Tucci and new creators such as Rob Worley and Katie Cook.

As for this writing, Wonderworld Comics is working hard to plan their official nomination video which will be judged for the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award. Wonderworld Comics hopes to become the second Michigan comic book retailer (Vault of Midnight in Ann Arbor, MI in 2010) and the first Metro Detroit comic book store to win the award. The nomination has Barger and Bowman, the staff at Wonderworld Comics, the customers in the store elated and honored.

Scare Bears Exclusively at Wonderworld Comics!

Scare Bears have arrived at Wonderworld Comics and the way you look at teddy bears will never be the same. Scare Bears creator Jay Langley recently finalized a deal with our store to be the exclusive brick and mortar in the area for his devilish bears. Head down to our Detroit comic book store today to see what all the buzz is about.

Scare Bears at our Detroit comic book store

Scare Bears at our Detroit comic book store

Jay’s Scare Bears were the talk of King Kon and will soon be showcased on a nationally-televised TV show which is based in Detroit. When he brought them into the store this past Saturday, some of the horrific cuddlers didn’t even make it to the shelves as they were snatched up by customers who wanted to be among the first to own one of these mini monstrosities.

The Scare Bears in the store will be priced between $20 and $80, and are each individually named and inspired. If teddy bears are the carriers of sweet dreams to children, these hand-crafted creatures are the carriers of nightmares. They are non-toxic, but starring at one long enough might melt your very soul!

You will see the Scare Bears in the front window at our Detroit comic book store and in a display case on the counter. Phase 1 critters are out now with more arriving in the near future. Placing one of these fiends on display in your house will spark countless conversations as people look on with envy, disgust, or both. These dark creations mix teddy bears (which are always in fashion) and the zombies and corpses which are today’s craze.

Scare Bears would make great gifts for any fan of “The Walking Dead,” horror movies, or those who love to make others ask “WTF?”

You can learn more about Scare Bears at our store, or at the Scare Bears website (click here). You can also follow Scare Bears on Facebook (click here).


WonderWorldComics.com and Wonderworld Comics refuse to make any guarantee that Scare Bears will not animate in the middle of the night and plot evil as you sleep. We also do not know if these items are harbingers of Hastur The Unspeakable One, one of the many masks of Nyarlathotep, or are the heralds of some other eldritch evil which man (and woman) was not meant to know. Ia!