Tag: wonder woman movie

Kelly Explores: A Wonder Woman Movie

About a month ago, I bought the first trade of the New 52 Wonder Woman for my 13-year-old cousin. Because she’s young and people on the internet can be creepers (and off the internet, if we’re being completely honest), I’ll just refer to her as Bee for this article.

Kelly Jackson. The latest contributor to WonderWorldComics.com

I got home from work today and as soon as I walked in the door, Bee gave me this HUGE smile and said, “Kelly, I finished Wonder Woman!”

“Did you like it?” I asked.

Bee nodded excitedly.

“What did you like about it?”

“She fights a lot and she wins!”

I laughed. “What was your favorite part?”

“The part where she fights! I was kinda bored with it so I sort of stopped paying attention but then Wonder Woman was fighting and I got interested again.”

Then she asked the ultimate question: “When does the Wonder Woman movie come out?”

I had to explain to her that they aren’t making a Wonder Woman movie. Some people want to, but there are roadblocks all over the place, and there are some executives who think that it’s just too hard; Wonder Woman doesn’t have “a single, clear, compelling” origin story and that makes it really difficult to write a movie for her.

READ: “We’re trying so hard (but not really) to make a great movie (but not really), but we’re having such a problem because Wonder Woman’s too complex. WRITING GIRLS IS HARD, OKAY?”

Bee was not at all happy to hear this. In her words, not mine: “Wonder Woman is just like Batman. She’s fighting a she’s trying to do the right thing and why won’t they make a movie for HER, but they’ve made a whole bunch for Batman!”

From the mouths of babes. Bee’s absolutely right, by the way. There really is no excuse for DC/Warner Brothers NOT to have a Wonder Woman movie planned, cast, and filming right now. And Bee’s brother, we’ll call him R, made a great point, too, which I’ve seen floating around in memes:

Isn’t Marvel doing a movie starring Rocket Raccoon? I didn’t even know who that was before the Marvel vs. Capcom game.”

Bee’s response was priceless: “BUT THERE’S NO WONDER WOMAN MOVIE?!”

Take heed, DC/Warner Brothers: You’re really pissing off a young generation that’s all but begging you to make this movie. Bee is most definitely not the only teenaged girl who wants to see Wonder Woman kick some ass onscreen. Maybe you ought to use some of the millions you made from the Dark Knight franchise to survey young audience members and ask what they want. Just a suggestion.