Tag: uncanny x-men

Visions of the Future in Uncanny X-Men #13

I am sure people are going to be buzzing over the next few days about some of the future statements which were made in Uncanny X-Men #13. I could pull quotes directly from the text, but sadly I would break my rule about giving spoilers. Instead, I will point out my thoughts about the implications of these quotes and how they impact the readers.

Uncanny X-Men #13

Uncanny X-Men #13

Unique Vision into the Future

Uncanny X-men #13, and the Battle of the Atom crossover as a whole, give us unique foresight into the future. Certain statements, especially those in Uncanny X-Men #13, make us wonder how the Marvel Universe will change in the upcoming years. How are we led to certain events which the characters are discussing?

On the Positive Side

Many readers will look at these statements in a positive light and will be driven to read more in the upcoming years in an attempt to have their questions answered. They will keep Uncanny X-Men #13 and will refer to it from time to time as we get closer in upcoming years to seeing the statements made in the comic come to fruition. Those who missed out on the issue will do what they can to snatch it up. Will the price skyrocket? I doubt it, but it might increase slightly over the years and jump when we get to some of the future events mentioned within.

On the Negative Side

Some of the future statements made in Uncanny X-Men #13 will upset some readers and could cause a divide between these readers and Marvel/Bendis. While I don’t see a significant number of readers flowing this path, we can all think of people who would toss the comic saying “Forget this…they are making this [Censored] to crazy.” Of course, ticking off readers is part of the business, but it is a reality I don’t like to see.

Bendis More Important?

We have all heard that Bendis has plans going out years in advance. If he is setting these plan further into motion through the quotes in Uncanny X-Men #13, he might be a genius. He might be declaring his worth to Marvel in these quotes and almost forcing them to keep him on the books for many years to come. Honestly, who else could tell his stories better? Smart move.

Things Can Change

I don’t want to, but I have to point out that the statements within Uncanny X-Men #13 are visions of the future which could change over time. Hopefully, though, we have a wild ride from here on out.

Uncanny X-Men #13 is My Pick of the Week!

Uncanny X-Men #13 was impressive this week and was one of the best chapters in the Battle of the Atom crossover. There was so much crunched into the comic, I am sure it will make some reader’s heads spin. It has to snatch my Pick of the Week.

Uncanny X-Men #13

Uncanny X-Men #13

The First Challenge

The first challenge of Uncanny X-Men #13 was to take five separate X-Men factions and merge them into one story. We have two modern X-Men factions, two factions from the future, and one from the past. Granted, the number of factions continues to slowly grow, but Bendis had to make sure to cover each one in this issue and refer to their separate goals and characteristics.

The Second Challenge

The second challenge of Uncanny X-Men #13 was that it had to tie in all of the chapters happening so far. While there have been title crossovers to this point in the Battle of the Atom series, they still held independence. All New X-Men was going in one direction while X-Men was going in a slightly different direction while Wolverine and the X-Men was going in another slight. Uncanny X-Men #13 was used to tie all of these directions together to lead up to the final two chapters in Wolverine & The X-Men #37 and X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2. My guess is that there will not be any tangent directions from here on out in the story.

The Result?

The result is a head-spinning run through the story where you have to pay close attention to everything being said and everything in the pictures. The story curves presented in Uncanny X-Men #13 could have been told over three or four issues, but was edited down to fit into one. You might have to read it twice to make sure you got everything the first time around. While this (story crunching) is a dangerous move in comics, I think Bendis pulled it off with flying colors.

Uncanny X-Men #12 is My Pick of the Week!

The Battle of the Atom continues with Chapter 4 in Uncanny X-Men #12, and I was leery about where the story would be going. Typically, the third or fourth chapter is when you start telling the true strength of a crossover event. Marvel did surprise me enough to make Uncanny X-Men #12 my Pick of the Week!

The Middle of a Crossover Event

The middle of a crossover event is typically the most difficult to write (in my opinion). Granted, I have never written one myself, but the middle is when the most challenges present themselves. Creators go into the vent knowing how it starts, and knowing how it is going to end. Typically, the events start out with something huge, have something huge at the end, and lul through a good portion of the middle. That is why I was worried about the middle of Battle of the Atom.

STK618850The Challenges of the Middle

In the middle of the crossover event, such as Battle of the Atom, you not only have to progress the main story, you have to introduce new subplots and address subplots which will running through the title before the crossover began. At the same time, you typically have to get away from some of the action and focus on the relationships between characters and discuss how the characters are feeling about what is going on. There is where many readers are lost because they want the action.

Uncanny X-Men #12

Battle of the Atom has been a fantastic crossover so well. I would go as far as to say that it is one of the top crossovers Marvel has had in years. Uncanny X-Men #12 did take a step back from the non-stop inundation of new ideas to focus on the emotions of the characters – but did not disappoint. The ending of the issue (remember that I hate spoilers), will have many X-Men fans talking today about what type of showdown will happen in the next installment. This is a fight which has been on many of our wishlists for a long time.

Uncle Tom of Mutants – Content vs. Context

There is going to be hours of talk around comic book stores over the next week about how Cyclops calls Dazzler the “Uncle Tom of mutants” in today’s issue of Uncanny X-Men. People are going to believe the step is too strong in the current push to pacify the word “mutants” and show it as a derogatory term. Is this literary reference too much, is it something to draw the press, or is it to make a strong point? What should we look at with the “Uncle Tom of mutants” line?

I Know I Know…

I do not like to give spoilers, but the “Uncle Tom of mutants” line does not give away the story. Also, it is important to discuss this right now.

Uncle Tom of mutants?

Uncle Tom of mutants?

Who is Uncle Tom?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin or Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel which was published in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is a book which is banned from many schools because it has course and derogatory language which can be misunderstood if taken out of context. It also deals with a horrible time from our nation’s past which should not be forgotten. Since many of you might not have read the book in school, it makes sense to explain the content behind the “Uncle Tom of mutants” lin.

Uncle Tom is portrayed in the book as a man who is able to hold through his slavery by relying on his religion and hope. In the last few decades, the term “Uncle Tom” and a term which will not be repeated here after “Uncle Tom” have become a derogatory way of stating that an African-American has “sold out” to Caucasians.

In the Uncanny X-Men Context

In the context of how Cyclops used the “Uncle Tom of mutants” reference, he points out how Dazzler, in his opinion, has sold out to the people who are trying to hunt down the mutants and start a war with them. He displays distaste for her, and gives a statement that she is lower than he is. The references is to be disgraceful and shows the prejudice mutants can have for each other in the Marvel Universe.

It was a Wise Move

The words “Uncle Tom of mutants” stuck out on the page for me. I was surprised at first when reading, but realized they fit perfectly in the storyline Marvel is going for. The publishing company is trying to battle hate and separation in the current storyline involving the X-Men and the term fits. I can understand how some might become offended by the term, but the content of the term needs to be overlooked for the context.

The Press

I would not be surprised if some of the major media outlets picked up on the “Uncle Tom of mutants” line. It will be interesting to see if they pick up only on the content, or if some pick up on the context as well.

Uncanny X-Men #6 is My Pick of the Week

While there are many comics coming out this week, Uncanny X-Men #6 is my Pick of the Week! Sorry that there was not a Pick of the Week last week, but as some of you know, I did not have any pulls last week. It was an odd week when nothing I was reading came out. As per the first Pick of the Week article, this will be free of spoilers.

Uncanny X-Men #6 is my Pick of the Week!

Uncanny X-Men #6 is my Pick of the Week!

What Initially Excited Me About Uncanny X-Men #6?

As a Doctor Strange fan, the revelation (from Uncanny X-Men #5) that Dormammu would be going after Magik was exciting. Uncanny X-Men #6 finds Cyclops’ team forgetting about the division in the X-Men and takes them away from crossover issues with the team we follow in All New X-Men. The team finds itself face-to-face with one of the most powerful otherworldly entities in the Marvel Universe.

A Little Bit of Information

There is a second story going on in Uncanny X-Men #6. Maria Hill is trying to figure out a way to get into the heads of the mutants. While talking with Agent Coulson, she decides to recruit a mutant to help S.H.I.E.L.D. understand mutants better by understanding the mutant mentality. On the final page of Uncanny X-Men #6, that recruit is revealed.

Not Going to Spoil it for You

I do not like giving spoilers on this site, and I am not going to start now. DC Comics hyped up (and then dropped) their “WTF Month,” but the final page in Uncanny X-Men #6 gave me the biggest WTF moment in months. The mutant S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits is so surprising, I have been trying to figure out why (s)he was picked to be an agent. I have been trying to wrap my head around how Marvel is going to play out using this particular character and what the motives would be to bring her/him back after not using her/him on a regular basis in…well, it might be a spoiler if I tell you how long.

Head out and pick up Uncanny X-Men #6 and see how the story plays out. See if you can wrap your head around the new recruit. You can thank me later.

Comic Book Dollar Boxes and Uncanny X-Men #317

This article is the first in a series which explores the hidden gems in comic book dollar boxes. Comic book conventions and many comic book stores will fill tables with comic book dollar boxes to lighten stockroom loads. There are many hidden gems to be found inside if you know what to look for. This edition will take a look at Uncanny X-Men #317.

Uncanny X-Men #317

Uncanny X-Men #317

Comic Book Dollar Boxes: Phalanx

One of the most popular X-Men storylines of the mid-1990s involved the attempt by the Phalanx (Phalanx Covenant) to assimilate mutants into their cyber-organic collective. Theoretically, success would have made the Phalanx the most powerful collective body in the multiverse. The storyline began in Uncanny X-Men #305, but the importance of #317 will be mentioned in a moment. I have seen times in which an entire run of the Phalanx storyline can be completed by perusing one comic book dollar box.


Comic Book Dollar Boxes: Skin

Comic book fans have an affinity for issues which introduce characters. Skin, a mutant, is introduced in Uncanny X-Men #317. His real name is Angelo Espinoza, and he was one of four mutants who were kidnapped by the Phalanx for testing. He had over six feet of extra skin on his body which he could manipulate into various forms at will. M, Husk, and the mutant mentioned next were the other characters abducted in the issue.

Read Skin’s bio on Marvel’s website

Comic Book Dollar Boxes: Blink

Blink (Clarice Ferguson) is the other character introduced for the first time in Uncanny X-Men #317 as an abductee of the Phalanx, but she has gone on to greater heights in the Marvel Universe than Skin. She has the ability to teleport herself, or large groups, at a moment’s notice. Her unusual look which includes lilac skin and pupil-less eyes, and pink “beauty marks,” have made her a favored character of some collectors. She has been a part of many of the major Marvel crossovers throughout the years since her introduction.

Read Blink’s bio on Marvel’s website

Comic Book Dollar Boxes: Current Importance

It was recently announced that the beautiful actress Fan Bingbing will portray Blink in “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” The movie is sure to raise more interest in the character as the movie gets closer. Once the movie hits, I am sure there will be few issues of Uncanny X-Men #317 left in any of the comic book dollar boxes in the country. If you find Uncanny X-Men #317 while looking through comic book dollar boxes – buy it.

The lesson to be learned is to never pass up on comic book dollar boxes because you never know what you might find.