Tag: the walking dead comic

Robert Kirkman Should Be Off the Walking Dead Comic

Many of you are probably going to blast me for saying this, but I do not think that Robert Kirkman should still be writing The Walking Dead comic. The last year and a half have been fairly bland and the comic needs fresh life blown into it.

The Walking Dead Comic

The Walking Dead Comic

Yawning at The Walking Dead Comic

I remember jumping on to The Walking Dead comic and reading it from the first issue on. Up until the around issue #90, I could not wait to see what Rick and the other survivors would do next. As the issues of The Walking Dead comic progressed through the 90s, I grew less and less satisfied. By issue #100, I had gotten to the point where I was ready to drop it off of my pulls. Instead, I held on for another six months and finally decided to walk away from what had been one of my favorite comics of all time. I have tried a few issues since and found that I just did not care anymore.

What is Wrong with The Walking Dead Comic?

Comics have what you might call a “story life.” This is similar to shelf life for food. Once the story life is over (typically once a story has been completely told), the comic becomes stale. That is where The Walking Dead comic is for me, and for many of the readers I have spoken to in the last few months who have decided to walk away as well.

Robert Kirkman Needs to Step Back

What I think is happening is that Robert Kirkman is spending so much time on the TV show, the comic has become an afterthought. The issues read as if they are written by someone simply going through the motions. Don’t get me wrong, issues #1-#90 tell one of the greatest stories ever in comics. The story should have ended there, but the comic continues to sell and the demand continues to be there.

Questioning the Demand

The Walking Dead is the top show on cable, but has troubles breaking the Top Ten for the Diamond Industry Statistics most months. A large majority of customers that I see who buy The Walking Dead comic, only buy The Walking Dead comic. Many have jumped on with the comic because of their fandom. I would not be going out on a limb by saying these people might not realize how the story has digressed and been elongated over the last twenty issues.

What the Story Needs

Either The Walking Dead needs to have an exit point (read: Final Issue), or Robert Kirkman needs to bring in another writer. He can still be listed on the front page, but most of the work should be given to someone who has the time for the project. There is something wrong when I read a particular issue and said “Oh, Glenn died” instead of “OMG! They just killed Glenn!”

Cannibals on The Walking Dead – Yes or NO?

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Abraham on The Walking Dead: Wait or Celebrate?

Fans of the comic book version of The Walking Dead are buzzing about what they are considering as the TV introduction of Abraham on The Walking Dead. Many fans I have spoken to in the last few days are looking past the casting for the character of Roy Stark for the show and are declaring Abraham as a new character to be excited about. Should they not be so fast, or are they right on the mark?

Abraham on The Walking Dead?

Abraham on The Walking Dead?

The Information Filtering Around

Horror-Movies.ca is reporting that the creators of The Walking Dead are working on filling a new role. The character will be named Roy Stark and he will be a former military medic whose family was attacked by survivors soon after the zombie infestation.  Stark did things to his family’s attackers The Governor would have never thought of and will be categorized as someone who is on the edge and could be dangerous.

Abraham on The Walking Dead?

As I stated, many of the fans I have spoken to about this news in the last few days are declaring “Abraham on The Walking Dead!” Just because the new character has some of the traits we saw in Abraham, we should not be quick to discuss Abraham on the Walking Dead. The previous occupation and the family attack could be the end of the similarities. Stark could be a bookish media along the lines of Milton and not share any of the fighting aspects of the comic book character many of us loved.

Could this be a Ruse?

Remember, the creators of The Walking Dead on TV have leaked partial information in the past simply to pull a bait and switch. Actually, you could argue that they did not pull a bait and switch at all as they have given us three or four points out of six and forced us to assume the points which were not disclosed.

A perfect example would be when we were told about how Michonne was cast for Season 3 only to be surprised by her appearance in the final minutes of Season 2. Remember, we were told that dozens of characters would die in the Season 3 finale only to find that there would only be two that we were actually interested in.

Abraham on The Walking Dead!

In the case of Abraham on The Walking Dead, part of the information being sent out could be a ruse. They might want us to think they are stealing aspects from the character we know only to surprise us with a familiar face. We might be talking about Abraham on The Walking Dead in the upcoming months. Only time will tell.

Killing Rick on The Walking Dead Would Be Pointless

When we think about the zombie apocalypse, we think about Rick on The Walking Dead or Rick in The Walking Dead comic. Recently, Robert Kirkman stated in an interview that we could see Rick Grimes die at some point because we should remember that nobody is safe in the world. While some might applaud the creator of the franchise for taking the step and hinting at the potential demise of the story’s central character, this was the wrong time to make the statement about killing off Rick on The Walking Dead, and it was the wrong statement to make.

Rick on The Walking Dead

Rick on The Walking Dead

Coming Off the Season 3 Finale of The Walking Dead

I have only heard of a handful of people who were happy with the Season 3 finale of The Walking Dead. Most fans were very distraught by the lack of closure. This is not the time to release a statement which could potentially upset fans in any way. They are already ticked about how the previous season ended. Don’t add salt to the wound by talking about killing off Rick on The Walking Dead.

Rick on The Walking Dead is the Central Character

Since the beginning of the franchise, Rick has been the central character of the story. To kill the character off, a shift would have to be made towards bringing in a new central character. Look at what happened on The X-Files when that happened. The show plummeted in the final season when Fox Mulder become a background character. Cult shows such as The Walking Dead cannot change central characters without severe backlash.

Middle or End of Life Cycle?

At this point, we do not know if The Walking Dead as a show is nearing the middle or the end of its life cycle. Three years is a long time for a show in this market where most are being cancelled within the first two seasons. This is not the time for a show’s creators to make major swerves such as knocking off Rick on The Walking Dead. The need to figure out what parts of their formula work and modify some minor issues here and there. A major change in the formula now might spike a few fans but will upset others who will feel left out when the formula they grew to love has been discarded.

Death of Rick on The Walking Dead is Change for the Sake of Change

No show, comic book, band, writer, or politician should ever make a change simply to make a change. In Kirkman’s interview, he stated that we always need to remember that any character can die at any time. If he does not believe fans know this already, he is underrating the intelligence of people who watch his show. He has made that point and killing Rick on The Walking Dead would be useless towards driving a point home which people already know. Change should always have a reason and killing Rick on The Walking Dead or Rick in The Walking Dead would be pointless.

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Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead Comic: Bad Idea

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