Tag: the legend of oz: wicked west

March Madness Tournament Review

The WonderWorldComics.com March Madness Contest has come to a close! The Legend of Oz: Wicked West won a tough battle at the end with The Walking Dead, but there is more to discuss about this tournament.

March Madness Champion

March Madness Champion

The Numbers

37,759 total votes were cast from 1,872 unique visitor locations. These votes represented 32 different countries. Votes poured in from every state except for Wyoming and Vermont. I never liked those states much anyways. Outside of Michigan, the states with the most voters were (in order) Illinois, California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The Legend of OZ: Wicked West vs. Batman in the Final Four Round was the most contested matchup with an amazing 9,953 votes being cast!

Biggest Bracket Upset

Of course, The Legend of OZ: Wicked West winning it all is an upset, but focus needs to be placed on another title for a moment. The Marvel and DC brackets were the most difficult with all of the titles represented being in the Top 100 sellers. Young Avengers was the lowest seller in the Marvel bracket and was able to overcome such titles as Deadpool (a tourney favorite), the New Avengers, and Iron Man on the road to winning the bracket section. A newer title beat out some of the heaviest hitters Marvel publishes and the fans should be commended for propelling this upset.

The Championship

The fight was dominated early by The Legend of OZ: Wicked West with the margin being as high as 88% to 12% at one point. Fans of The Walking Dead began to come out in the early evening and put up a huge fight in order to catch up. Going into the final few hours, the number of votes coming in was so fast and furious that the failsafe in the system shut the poll down a handful of times to keep the site stable. In the end, the fans of Big Dog Ink were able to stave off the attack from the fans of Image comics and help the title which has yet to break into the Top 100 beat the title which is typically in the Top 10 and is backed by one of the hottest shows on TV!

What Won March Madness?

The ability to drum up fan support won March Madness. Creators of various titles rallied their fans throughout the tournament and were able to swing votes in their favor. Big Dog Ink was able to master this technique early on. I have heard people from all over the industry talking about the March Madness Contest. At Gem City Comic Con, I realized that this contest opened people’s eyes to what can happen with fan support. What will happen next year when the bigger companies find themselves forced to rally their fans in a popular contest?

Next Year

Very soon, we will be reaching out to you to see what you thought about this tournament. We will ask you to tell us what you liked, and what you would like to see changed in the future. Keep your eyes on the site, and on the Facebook page for our invitation for critique. What other site gives you the opportunity to be heard by the industry?

Thank you all for your support. YOU helped to make the first WonderWorldComics.com contest a major success. We will have more contests in the near future and I look forward to announcing them. With your continued support, the voice which this site gives fans will continue to grow louder.