The theatrical release of Man of Steel is quickly approaching. Wonderworld Comics is celebrating a special Superman Day on June 12, 2013. Here is an excerpt from the press release about the event.

Man of Steel Day is June 12, 2013!
Wonderworld Comics in Taylor, MI will be celebrating the theatrical release of Man of Steel with Superman Day at the store with special guests, special events, and giveaways.
Jay Towers and Fresh 100.3 will be appearing at the Wonderworld Comics Superman Day events on June 12, 2013. Jay Towers and his crew will be live from 12:00pm until 2:00pm, but the Superman Day events will be going on all day at the Detroit comic shop.
Prizes will be given away at various times throughout the day.
Free Superman comics will be given away.
The day also marks the release of Jim Lee and Scott Snyder’s Superman Unchained #1.
Representatives from the U.S. Army Soldiers of Steel Campaign will be at Wonderworld Comics and hold a push-up contest.
Comic book artists and sketch artists will be on hand selling prints and taking commissions for special artwork.
Customers and visitors are invited to come in costume to celebrate Superman Day with the staff at Wonderworld Comics. Guests are encouraged to wear Superman costumes, or costumes of characters associated with Superman, but it is not mandatory.