The 2013 Shel Dorf Award Nominations are now open. The Shel Dorf Awards are special to me and I want to share a little bit about them with you. You can nominate your favorites by following this link, but I encourage you to read about the importance of the awards first.

Nominations for the 2013 Shel Dorf Awards now being accepted!
The Difference of the Shel Dorf Awards
Most award nomination processes are run by guys with suits who nominate based on sales, potential future deals, or on perceived popularity. This is true from the Oscars down to many of the “industry awards” granted in various industries. Not so with the Shel Dorf Awards. The nominations and eventual votes are completely determined by the fans.
The Importance of the Shel Dorf Awards
Since the nominations and votes for the Shel Dorf Awards are cast by fans, the creators involved are given an extra confidence push they might not receive from other awards. They know that it was the fans that got them where they are, and not just some dealmakers in a smoke-filled room. Creators realize the fans like what they are doing and that the fans are pledging to continue to support them in the future.
I Remember…
I remember being at the first Shel Dorf Awards at the first Detroit Fanfare in 2010. There was talk at the ceremony about there being a revolution coming where Detroit Fanfare and the fans of the convention would take back comic book conventions. This movement would grow and that the industry would have to realize that we (the fans) wanted comic book conventions that were about comic books, comic book creators, and comic book fans and not about forgotten sitcom stars, wrestlers, and porn stars. I remember becoming invigorated and determined to pay close attention to the progression of this movement and to the growth of Detroit Fanfare.
The Movement of the Shel Dorf Awards
The following year, all of the Shel Dorf Award nominees were determined by the fans. We were not given a long list of people to choose from which were determined by someone. We were given the opportunity to choose who we wanted to win a Shel Dorf Award and who should be given the “fan’s recognition.” So too was the process in 2012 and so too is the process for the 2013 Shel Dorf Awards.
Symbolism of the Shel Dorf Awards
Note, the awards are named after Shel Dorf who was the founder of the Detroit Triple FanFair. He realized that it was time for someone to create a show for the fans where we could come and hang out with other people like ourselves and have the chance to meet some of the creators who gave us joy through our favored form of media. He gave the fans what they wanted and it is through his legacy that we show who we believe deserves recognition at the Shel Dorf Awards.
Particular Connection
I was honored to be nominated for the Comic Book Blogger of the Year award at the 2012 Shel Dorf Awards due to my work in following the industry for Yahoo!. That nomination (even though I did not win) is one of the highlights of my writing career. Hopefully, that opportunity will come again sometime in the future (hint hint hint).
The Shel Dorf Awards is not a stuffy ceremony with awards decided upon by a select few. It is determined by you, and me, and anyone else who decides to vote. This is our comic book awards and we should take every opportunity we can to promote it and to encourage our friends to have their voices heard as well.