Tag: san diego comic-con international

San Diego Comic-Con Random Thoughts Part II

Between every breath we take, more news comics out of San Diego Comic-Con International. This is the second part of my series of picking out my favorite news bits from the convention and giving my opinions. To see the first part of this series, please follow this link. Part three can be found here.

  • Batman and Son will come out some time next year and be the animated premiere for Damian. With this being a New 52 continuity movie, I am looking forward to seeing if DC Comics will kill Damian off in an animated format.
  • Congrats to all of the Eisner winners including Challenger Comics in Chicago. I also want to send congrats to Green Brain Comics, since it is based here in Michigan and a friend of this website and our store, for making it so far in the running. We look forward to the day when we win ours.
  • Happy to see Saga claen up at the Eisner’s. The wins were well-deserved.
  • The new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Transformers mini-series from IDW Publishing are sure to help the publisher bump up sales and move closer to helping it solidifying its position in the Top 4 for market share.
  • The Walking Dead Season 4 preview is one of the top items at San Diego Comic-Con International. I think it looks awesome, and has me gearing up for the new season. One issue, though. At the end of the preview, some of the survivors are seen in a car and a voice comes over the radio talking about “sanctuary.” I was immediately reminded of the recording coming across the radio talking about Safe Haven in the Deadworld series. Is this something else “borrowed” from Gary Reed’s zombie apocalypse series?
  • Sadly, the Harley Quinn Suicide Squad figure just does not do it for me. I might end up having to pass on it. The original costume black and white figure coming out in 2014, that will be on my list for May.
  • So the Trinity War is the end of Phase 1 of the New 52. How many phases are we going to get? Was this simply an introduction phase?
  • So much talk about Booster Gold, but wasn’t he supposed to have his own show on SyFy? What every happened with that? It might have actually meant there would have been something good on SyFy which didn’t have to do with sharks. If you get the chance one day, stop in the store and ask me why SyFy hates me.
  • Ragnarok from IDW Publishing has me excited. It will be interesting to compare and contrast the use of Norse mythology in that comic and the use of Norse mythology at Marvel.
  • DC Comics is making MAD Magazine and their All Ages comics returnable in from October. Interesting. I have mixed feelings about returnable comics. While it helps the retailers out, why would publishers create products they did not have full faith in? If a product is stupendous, it never has to be returned.
  • J. August Richards will be portraying Slapstick on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Some might be discouraged by this, but at least we don’t have any Howard the Duck.
  • The big battle for interest at San Diego Comic-Con International is between Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Walking Dead Season 4, and Villain Month/Forever Evil. Interesting three-way fight. The fight is still too early to declare but it is interesting that there are two fighters on TV and one in the stores.


San Diego Comic-Con Random Thoughts Part I

Even though I am not at San Diego Comic-Con International, I still have opinions about what is going on. This is the first part of the series I am running over the next few days in which I will be posting random thoughts about some of the announcements. Some of these items will be featured in their own articles because I have more to say. You will find out which ones when I write them.

See Part II of this series by following this link. Part III can be found here.

  • DC Comics will be releasing a DVD/Bluray entitled “Necessary Evil: Supervillains of DC Comics” in October along with a companion book containing some of the greatest stories surrounding their villains. Yes, both of those sound awesome to me. I love the idea of letting the baddies shine as much as possible.
  • DC will be releasing The Flashpoint Paradox which will bring the animated movies into the New 52 continuity.  I have to say that it is a good idea to pull all arms of DC Entertainment into the New 52 continuity. It adds cohesion and continuity among continuities (or something like that).
  • More Sandman coming from Neil Gaiman? While I am not a fan of the particular character (nothing wrong, just never read the comics), I know that this will invigorate tens of thousands of fans around the world. With Gaiman doing a little work for Marvel right now, this is a major coup for DC Comics.
  • I am happy to hear that Robert Kirkman officially announced that Daryl is not going to be in The Walking Dead comic. I have said for a long time that he should not be.
  • I am also happy about the fact that we will not learn about what is happening in other countries in The Walking Dead. This would force lines of communication which should not be there. On the flip side, though, it means we will never venture into Canada.
  • So there is going to be a crossover between Family Guy and The Simpsons. Yes, I will watch but it will probably be stupid.
  • DC Comics had a digital comics panel. Pffft.
  • There will be a Spider-Man crossover pitting Superior Spider-Man against Venom. I think I am going to have to check this four issue series out.
  • Excited about the idea of Jeff Smith bringing out more Bone. Who could be upset about that? Sure, some might complain that it is coming out through Scholastic, but that just means that kids ordering the books from school will be exposed to comics in school.
  • Detroit filed for bankruptcy. Wait, that has nothing to do with comics and is not a surprise to anyone. Oops.
  • IDW Publishing is expanding the older editions from the Big 2 that they are going to be releasing. I am going to have to get my hands on the Romita Spider-Man book when it comes out.
  • New Hellboy? That is sure to get the girls in our Detroit area comic book store buzzing.
  • If you sign up for the Amazon digital comics newsletter, you will get a free digital copy of Superman #1 from the New 52. What do I think about this? Anyone want to play fill in the blank?
  • I am a little disappointed that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the ultimate talk of the town yet. Of course, there still is three more days for the House of Ideas to get everyone drooling. I am not counting the possibility out yet.
  • There will be a monthly Shazam title coming from DC Comics in 2014. Shazam (Captain Marvel) was one of my favorite characters as a child. I hope he gets all of the room he needs to grow. They can make him a headliner again.
  • Lex Luthor is the mastermind behind Forever Evil. This makes sense to me. He is one of the top 5 villains the company has to offer and Joker is probably still reeling from the end of Death of the Family, so it would be impossible to expect him to come up with a master plan of this magnitude this quickly.

Well, that is it for the first part of my San Diego Comic-Con random thoughts so far. More to come along with expansions on some of the topics presented here.

Why I am Happy I am Not at San Diego Comic-Con International

I have to say that I am of the minority when I say that I am happy I am not at San Diego Comic-Con International right now. I will occasionally go to large comic book conventions, but I prefer the smaller ones when they come up.

Comic-Con International

Comic-Con International

I Will be Saving Money

Since I am not going to San Diego Comic-Con International this year, I will be saving money which I can spend at smaller conventions and shows later this year (like King Kon on Auguest 3 and Detroit Fanfare). I don’t have to worry about the ticket price or the airfare. I don’t have to worry about figuring out how I am going to buy everything I might want and still have money left over for food. These worries will be foreign to me when discussing San Diego Comic-Con International.

Not Getting Bumped Around

If you have met me, you know that I am not a big guy. Granted, I am six feet tall, but I am around 175 and get bumped around often at bigger conventions. I prefer the smaller conventions where I can look through long and short boxes or check out booths without drowning in a sea of people while trying to hold my footing on the floor of a convention like San Diego Comic-Con International.

No Lines

There were issues earlier this year when there were conventions plagued with long lines. The funny thing is, this is something which has become expected at San Diego Comic-Con. International. Nope, instead of waiting an hour in line for a hot dog, I can go into the kitchen and make one for myself (at a fraction of the cost).


San Diego Comic-Con International: Our Presence There

I have received a few emails over the last week asking if I am going to be at San Diego Comic-Con International. Sadly, I will not be this year because of various other plans I have set over the next month. Don’t worry, the website and store will have a presence at the event this year.

IMG_8588Who is Going?

Dennis Barger, co-owner of Wonderworld Comics will be in attendance this year. He will be messaging me with any important information you need to know about and will be taking as many cosplay pictures as he can for our Cosplay Photo Gallery.

Don’t Forget

Wonderworld Comics has the esteemed honor this year of being nominated for a Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award. This honor have gone a step further, and we have been named as one of the 15 finalists for the award. The award will be given at San Diego Comic-Con International and Dennis will be there.

What This Means

The Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award is an international award which means Wonderworld Comics is being considered as one of the best comic book stores in the world. This is not simply a reflection of ownership and the staff. This is also a reflection of the great customers we have and the great friends we have made over the years through the store. Congratulate yourselves as this honor is as equally yours as it is ours.

My Task

I am going to weed through all of the news comic out of San Diego over the next week and give you my opinions on the most important and impactful items which you need to know about. Keep your eyes on this site for the information which will impact you, us, and the comic book industry the most.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and San Diego Comic-Con International

Bar none, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to be the talk of the town come San Diego Comic-Con International. With the show launching within months on ABC, the network and Marvel need to make sure that you hear about the show at every turn.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. does have a cool logo

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. does have a cool logo

Other Announcements

Of course, there will be a myriad of other announcements made at San Diego Comic-Con International. Companies will be announcing movies, different shows, and new toys and video games will be prepped for a holiday release. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to be the center attraction to ensure that people are hungry for the new show.

In Marvel’s Favor

There are a few aspects in Marvel’s favor. First off, The Walking Dead does not come out until October, so Image is not as pressed to make a major impact. Secondly, the rumors have been flying around the Internet as to who it is in the trailers and which characters might be seen on the show. Finally, ABC has been pushing hard to make sure that ABC fans see as much as possible of Clark Gregg and the other stars of the show. The network has built a frenzy which now needs to be cashed in upon. Marvel is able to strike while the iron is hot.


There have been many months since the official announcement of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so the company has had a long time to prep for San Diego Comic-Con International. If you think that the publishing companies start thinking about San Diego Comic-Con International within the last few weeks before the convention, you are wrong. They start planning a year in advance or more. I would not be going out on a limb by saying that Marvel was probably prepping announcements for this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International before officially announcing Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The ball is in Marvel’s court when it comes to the announcement of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at San Diego Comic-Con International. I can’t wait to see what announcements they make, and how those announcements make the other publishers squirm.