Tag: quicksilver in the avengers 2

Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past Opinion, Interpretation, Concern

So we will see Quicksilver in The Avengers 2 and we will see Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past. I will let that soak in for a moment because it boggles the mind how one character will be in two movies from different ends of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Why yes…I do have an opinion and a few concerns.

Quicksilver in The Avengers 2! Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past!

Quicksilver in The Avengers 2! Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past!

What Happened?

Recently, Joss Whedon acknowledged that both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would be in The Avengers 2. On Thursday, director [of X-Men: Days of Future Past] Bryan Singer tweeted: “Before he was an #Avenger, he was just a REALLY fast kid. Thrilled to say #EvanPeters is joining #XMen #DaysOfFuturePast as #Quicksilver.”

No Legal Issue

Legally speaking, there is not an issue with this as Fox has the rights to use Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch since they are mutants. The company can also reference the fact that they are Magneto’s children. On the flip, Marvel can use the characters since they are Avengers but cannot reference them as mutants or reference that Magneto is their father. So legally, we can see Quicksilver in The Avengers 2, and we can see Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Interesting Concerns

Since we will see Quicksilver in The Avengers 2 and see Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past, we have to be concerned about how he will be portrayed. We should expect fission in the comic book community over how he will be portrayed. We should also be expecting both Marvel and Fox to attempt to outdo the other in his portrayal.

Let’s Say…

Let’s say Marvel expects to use Quicksilver in The Avengers 2 as a background character who simply makes an appearance. Fox will have to answer that by using Quicksilver in X:Men: Days of Future Past as more of a secondary character. Marvel will have to respond by making Quicksilver a primary character. Foxwill have to…

Neither company is going to want to be outdone by the other on the portrayal of the character. Both know they will be fighting for the Quicksilver fans. They know there will be fissure in the comic book community over how Quicksilver is delivered and the companies will want their side of the fissure rooting harder, and as pleased as possible.

Quicksilver in Both Movies is Good

Fissures in the community cause opinions. Opinions cause discussions. Discussions in the comic book community are a good thing. Anything which will keep people talking about our favored form of entertainment is a good thing and it should be encouraged. On the negative side, a battle for attention could hurt both movies if overplayed in the media.


I am wondering if the use of the character in both movies could set some type of crossover precedence. While I highly doubt Fox will allow Wolverine to cross into the Avengers movies without a fight (even though he was an Avenger on many levels, there are slightly smaller X-Men who have been on the team composed of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Could we see Beast in one of the Marvel-made movies? How about Storm, Cannonball, or Rogue? Most importantly – SQUIRREL GIRL!!! Remember, the most powerful mutant ever (she did defeat MODOK, Terrax, and Thanos) was a recruit of the Great Lakes Avengers.

Give us Squirrel Girl!

Give us Squirrel Girl!

It will be interesting to see who this whole battle plays out. Will we be talking more about Quicksilver in The Avengers 2? Will we be talking more about Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past? Who cares? Controversy creates cash and that is all that matters in the end for the industry. Well, that and sustained income – but that is a story for another day.