Tag: marvel comics announcements

Views on Marvel’s SXSW Announcements

With all the action associated with the WonderWorldComics March Madness Contest, I have not had time to discuss Marvel’s announcements at SXSW over the weekend. There are four videos which have the comic book community talking. Follow this link to see the videos.

Captain America's Shield

Captain America’s Shield

Marvel Infinite Comics

Marvel is introducing a new type of digital comics which you peruse by swiping on a digital device. According to the video, it appears that you progress the frames or add images to the frames to progress the comic by swiping. My EX Level (Excitement Level) is at about a 2 out of ten on this one.

What bothers me most about this is when the one presenter in the video states “I usually buy my comics at the store…” Marvel is finally making a statement about the hidden goal of digital comics. Why does Marvel want to introduce another alternative to purchasing comics in the stores? Read Digital Death Part II to find out why.

Marvel’s Project Gamma

The next Marvel announcement at SXSW was Project Gamma. Adaptive audio for comic books? Really? In the first two announcements, Marvel is introducing or hinting at two types of shtick to get people to read digital comics? I don’t need adaptive audio to immerse myself in a comic book. I need a good comic book. I need strong writing and beautiful artwork which portrays characters I care about. Why don’t comic book companies ever remember this? Marvel’s Project Gamma has my EX Level at about a -4 out of 10.

Marvel AR

Ok, Marvel AR appears to be interesting as it will give you behind the scenes interviews and information about the week’s comics. My Ex Level is at about 5 on this one. As long as they don’t revert to endless skits here, it should be fine. Interviews about inspiration and what the creators wanted to deliver with the comics could increase readership of certain comics as readers gain extra knowledge about titles they had not considered. If Marvel does not drop the ball in the first few episodes or offerings (which companies have the tendency to do), this could be pretty damn awesome.

Marvel’s Earth’s Mightiest Show

If you say the name Blair Butler, my Ex Level automatically goes to a 9. Sorry, I have a nerd crush on her and have for a long time. The comedian, and comic book geek, will host a show which will explore the Marvel universe through interviews and comedy. I have followed her career since her early days as a correspondent on G4 and hope Marvel can make this work. I will be watching this – even if it is horrible – simply because I like Blair Butler. Her style of comedy might turn some viewers off. Her comedy is clean, but it can be a little unusual. This was my favorite announcement of the weekend.