Tag: mandarin

Mandarin in Iron Man 3: Differences in Comics with Tony Stark

Many comic book fans are awaiting the onscreen introduction of Mandarin in “Iron Man 3.” Mandarin is an interesting character in the comics as he is an opposite to Tony Stark and Iron Man. These differences are astounding when they are explored.

Mandarin in "Iron Man 3"

Mandarin in “Iron Man 3”

Mandarin and Technology

Yes, Mandarin is a master of technology like Tony Stark, but Mandarin’s greatest power comes from rings he repurposed from alien technology. Instead of working harder, as Stark attempts to do, Mandarin attempts to work smarter. He supersedes work ethic with opportunity.

Fighting Chances?

Mandarin is a master martial artist and that makes him a natural fighter. Iron Man is a businessman in a special suit. The would-be-world-leader surrounds himself with people (terrorists and cronies) to fight his initial battles for him while Tony Start often surrounds himself with people who will help him with his battles.

Fears Embodied

One of Stan Lee’s goals with the creation to Iron Man and Tony Stark was to take the fears about the rich not wanting to help out the little guy and turn them. In Mandarin, we see the fears of Communist China embodied. The character wishes to take over the world, is a major technocrat, and commands a watchful army which will do anything for him.

Exposition of Magic

Mandarin’s rings are often explained as magical and he has used them in mystical battles with such characters as Doctor Strange. Tony Stark is someone who has shied away from from magic for many years and has had issues embracing the idea of a mystical realm. The villain used to use his statements about his rings being mystical to strike fear in the hearts of others.

It will be interesting to see how the movie creators at Marvel use the ideas of Mandarin being a polar opposite of Tony Stark and Iron Man in “Iron Man 3.” Hopefully, they do the character justice.

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