Tag: free comic book day

Memories of Free Comics Book Day 2013 at Wonderworld Comics

A great time was had by all at Wonderworld Comics this year for free comic book day.

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

Cosplay dancers at Wonderworld Comics of Free Comic Book Day 2013

It was great seeing many of you there and hearing about what you thought about the website. Some of your suggestions will be hitting this site over the next week.

I want to thank all of the customers and guests for helping everything run smoothly and for many of the regulars who helped out with setting up the chairs for Dave Santia’s shows or by giving suggestions to other customers when we were busy with others. You help to remind me how our store is built on the backs of great customers.

I am already looking forward to Free Comic Book Day 2014 (which should fall on May 3 next year).

Pictures from Free Comic Book Day will be posted here when they become available.

Free Comic Book Day: Most Important Comic of the Day

What is the most important comic being given away on Free Comic Book Day?

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

The Publisher’s Answers

I am sure if you were to ask someone at Marvel about the most important comic being given away on Free Comic Book Day, he or she would answer “Infinity” since it is the official launch of one of the biggest crossovers in years. DC Comics would push Superman Special Edition. Image would remind you about The Walking Dead Special coming out while IDW would probably talk about TMNT New Animated Advenures. Essentially, each publisher would talk about whatever book their team is giving away. They would all be partially right and partially wrong.

A Fan’s Choice on Free Comic Book Day

A child might believe the most important comic on Free Comic Book Day would have to be Spongebob Comics Freestyle Funnies while a seasoned collector might also point to Infinity. A Star Wars fan would look at the Dark Horse offering as being the most important to her. Again, they would all be partially right and partially wrong.

What is the Most Important Comic of Free Comic Book Day?

The most important comic book of Free Comic Book Day is the one which opens your eyes to something new. You might be a DC Comics fan who gives Infinity a try and decides to give Marvel another chance. You might be a devout Marvelite who decides to try the DC Nation Super Sampler. You might decide to try something from one of the smaller presses and realize it is a perfect fit for you.

If you are new to comic books, or have not read one in years, any comic book you pick up on Free Comic Book Day is the most important. Any comics you read with help you realize why there are so many people who love comics and find them to be the best entertainment medium on the market. When you are leaving the comic book store on Saturday (hopefully our Detroit area comic book store), look down in your bag. Whatever is inside is the most important to you.

To learn more about Free Comic Book Day, please follow this link.

Always Encourage Young Comic Book Readers

As comic book collectors and readers, we cannot forget the importance of encouraging young comic book readers. If we do not take steps right now to encourage another generation of readers, we are condemning our favorite entertainment medium.

The State of the Industry

The next time you walk into a comic book store, take a look at the other customers and note their ages. A majority of the customers will be between the ages of 25 and 45. Many of the modern comic book customers grew up in the 1980s and 1990s when comic book reading was peaking. Of course, there are readers who are much older, but there are not many who are younger. Our industry (probably due to the crashes in the 1990s) missed an entire generation of readers. We need to make sure this does not happen again and encourage potential young comic book readers.
Encourage young comic book readers

Encourage young comic book readers

Importance of Young Readers

Younger readers help to ensure the future of the industry. They are the ones who will be filling the stores in a decade or two if we can tap into their potential. They will be the ones who are going to g new money into the industry and help to ensure mics are still being printed well into our golden years. Personally, I want to continue to read new issues of Batman and The X-Men when by body is too decrepit to do anything else and encouraging young comic book readers is one of the ways I hope to do so.

The Joy of Encouraging Young Comic Book Readers

My daughter is 5, and looks forward to new comic books to add to her growing collection. I can guarantee she knows more superheroes than kids ten years older than her. Not only does she have an entertainment medium which does not involve technology, she has figured out another connection with her Daddy. She knows her Daddy loves comics and superheroes, and has allowed herself to be exposed to comics to get closer to me. As her father, I want every possible connection to her I can get.

Don’t Forget

As of this writing, Free Comic Book Day is only a matter of weeks away. The special day takes great measures to encourage young comic book readers and to invite more readers to the industry. This focus should not be forgotten throughout the rest of the year as it will help to grow the industry and ensure a future for the industry we have grown up with.

Free Comic Book Day – Not Just a Day For Free Comic Books

As of this writing, Free Comic Book Day is still about nine weeks away, but comic book stores across the country are eagerly awaiting the day in which free comic books take center stage. I wanted to take a moment to discuss the importance of Free Comic Book Day and remind you that it is not simply a day in which you just get free comic books. There is much more importance of the day than you might have thought of.

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

The Reasons Behind Free Comic Book Day

Telling fans that there is a day in which they can get free comic books will bring them out in droves. The goal behind Free Comic Book Day is to reward long-term readers, bring former readers back into the fold, and to encourage new readers. A strong focus is placed on children because if comic book collecting is going to survive past our lives, we need to encourage another generation to put down the game controllers and pick up the printed pages.

Spotlighting on Free Comic Book Day

You can take a look at the listing of free comic books being offered on May 4, 2013, by following this link. The comics being offered are often ones which the different publishing companies wish to spotlight. This could be to increase the masses already reading the title or (in the case of smaller companies) to wake the fans up to what else is being offered outside of the Marvel and DC banners.

Benefit to Retailers

The push for free comic books helps the retailers by getting bodies in the store. In many cases, a person might walk into a particular comic book store for the first time and be amazed by the variety of titles or other merchandise being sold. It is a time for the retailer to spotlight his or her store and to show the masses what they are missing. In many cases, comic book store owners will also add other products to their Free Comic Book Day offerings. They might use the day to clear out some of the reduced comics they have in stock or other items which need to be cleared out to make room for new stock.

Encourage You to Read

About a week ago, I spoke with two customers in the store who explained that they look forward to Free Comic Book Day each year. Both admitted they do not read most of the free comic books they take home on the special day of the year. I encourage you to read the free comic books you take home. Your eyes might be opened to something new. The worst that can happen is that you might spend twenty minutes reading something you don’t like. Twenty minutes is a small enough period to give just about anything a chance.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Free Comic Book Day. Even though the day is still a ways off, plans are being put into motion all over the country as retailers prepare for the day they share with their customers.