Tag: cancelled comics

Updated – Cancelled: Avenging Spider-Man – And That is It!

According to the Marvel Subscription Newsletter, three separate Marvel Comics titles are coming to an end (UPDATE BELOW):

Avengers Assemble will be ending soon, and all subscribers will roll over to Avengers written by Marvel superstar Jonathan Hickman. Avenging Spider-Man will be ending, and all subscribers will be switching to the all new Superior Spider-Man Team-Up written by Christopher Yost. Last but not least Marvel Universe Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will be changing its title to Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble. Be on the lookout for these exciting new titles!

(UPDATE) Since the original posting, Marvel has sent out the following message:

Whoops! Has Kang been messing with the timestream or have we just been getting confused?

The Avengers keep on assembling! Avengers Assemble is not ending, it’s carrying on its merry way, and its loyal subscribers will stay right where they are.

Marvel Universe Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will also be keeping on track.

We’re so sorry about the confusion! Avengers forever!

It appears that Marvel has taken out an axe similar to the one taken out yesterday by DC Comics (See Here). It will be interesting to see if there are other titles added to the cancellation list within the next few days.

Avenging Spider-Man cancelled by Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man cancelled by Marvel

Cancelled Comic: A Success for Comic Book Industry

News is breaking that DC Comics is cancelling Legion of Super-Heroes, Threshold, Dial H for Hero, and Demon Knights in August. We knew about two of these cancellations and suspected the other two. The timing is coincidental since I was just asked by someone this morning if a cancelled comic equals a failure of the creators, a failure of the publication company, or of both. Instead of considering a cancelled comic as a failure, I think people should consider it as a success.

Every one a cancelled comic: Demon Knights, Dial H. for Hero, Legion of Super-Heroes.

Every one a cancelled comic: Demon Knights, Dial H. for Hero, Legion of Super-Heroes.

Cancelled Comic as a Success?

I guess I try to look at some aspects of the comic book industry with as much optimism as possible. A simple run through of the comics in Overstreet will point out that there have been thousands of comics which have been cancelled over the years. Sometimes these comics have run their course. Sometimes a cancelled comic has lost favor with the fans and they have moved on to something else. At other times, the comic has lost favor with the publisher and it decides it needs to move to greener pastures.

Success from Failures

Yes, comic book publishers do often make the same mistake twice…but they often learn from their mistakes. If a comic needs to be cancelled, a publisher will have made a long and hard decision to end the run. Publishers take many factors into consideration before a cancelled comic is declared. These factors create the lessons which will guide creators and planners in the future.

It’s Better to Recognize

As fans of comic books and the comic book industry, we should all be happy when we hear about a cancelled comic. Sure, we might be upset because a title we liked hit the garbage, but would you rather a publisher spread itself thin with titles people are not buying or focus on the ones people are reading? Would you rather they try to focus on a comic which has failed or on a title which just needs that extra nudge to become great? Would you rather a publisher be held down by its uncertainty or allowed to soar because of the hard decisions it made in the past?