Tag: c2e2 review

C2E2 Traffic Flow Issues

While I enjoyed C2E2, I noticed that the convention needs to improve upon traffic flow within the convention hall. There are certain issues the convention needs to look at to ensure everyone has the best time possible their entire time at the convention.

The front of C2E2

The front of C2E2

The Big Problem

One of the most important aspects of a convention for me is traffic flow. Nothing can ruin a convention trip more than needing to go to the bathroom and it taking 20 minutes to travel 200 feet because of congested crowds. On Friday and Sunday, traffic flow was great at C2E2. Saturday was a different story when it could take you what felt like an eternity to travel down an aisle. Also, traffic flow issues can lead to product being damaged or (worse yet?) personal injury.

Cosplay Alternative

Two things the organizers could do in the future to improve traffic flow. First off, many conventions are looking at the option of cosplay photo areas. If pictures may only be taken of cosplayers in certain areas, traffic flow can be improved by eliminating the moments when people ask for a picture to be taken with a cosplayer in the middle of an aisle.

Artist Alley

Artist Alley needs to be more inviting next year. The aisle separating Artist Alley from the vendor floor at C2E2 has many long booths which isolated the two parts of the convention from the other. While I am not a believer in feng shui, I have to admit that there was an energy break from the main floor to Artist Alley.  Larger flow points into Artist Alley will not only help alleviate some of the traffic flow problems at C2E2, it might also help the artists make some extra money.


If you were entering C2E2 with a bag, security would force you to open the bag for inspection. Obviously, they were looking for some type of weapon. If your cosplay costume used fake weapons, they needed to be inspected as well. While I understand the need for this type of security, it bogged down the traffic flow of the convention. At the same time, there was an ironic aspect because you could purchase real weapons from dealers on the convention floor. It was as if the convention was saying, “We don’t want you bringing in anything which could harm someone. If you purchase something on our floor which could hurt someone, we are alright with that.

This picture was taken on Friday when crowds were not at maximum. By looking in the upper right corner, though, you can see how masses would have problems getting around at C2E2.

This picture was taken on Friday when crowds were not at maximum. By looking in the upper right corner, though, you can see how masses would have problems getting around at C2E2.

Hopefully, the promoters and planners at C2E2 will take a look at these issues and figure out ways to clear up the problems. C2E2 could compete with the bigger dogs on the block soon. C2E2 only needs to go through a few minor changes to become the show, and traffic flow is one of them.

For more information on C2E2, follow this link.