Tag: c2e2

Interview with John Layman About Detective Comics and Processes

While I was covering C2E2, I had the opportunity to sit down with John Layman and talk about various aspects of his career and the titles he writes for.

John Layman

John Layman

Larry Poupard: You write for both DC Comics [Detective Comics] and Image[Chew]. What unique challenges and conflicts do you face in creating product for two companies which creators who only write for one company do not face?

John Layman: Well, at Image, you don’t have an editor. You are writing on a tightrope without a net. Whereas with Batman, you are not only writing for an editor and a wider audience, but Batman has five other books in the whole interconnected universe. You have to worry about tying in other events and crossovers because there might be something big happening in Scott Snyder’s book or in someone else’s. With one book, I am playing God while I am playing a ship’s captain in the other in which I have to guide the ship and avoid the icebergs.

Larry Poupard: You mentioned the continuity with Batman over multiple titles. Do you find yourself communicating more with other writers about what is being done or with the main offices of DC Comics?

John Layman: Both. I try to keep myself as open as possible with other writers. Everyone knows my aim and anyone can do a drive by or call me to ask me any kind of questions. The writers are very good about coordinating that. I used to be an editor so I am very aware of how to roll with the punches. You gotta be willing to make things mesh.

There is a thing I like to do myself. In the current thing I am writing right now I’ve got this jump cut of Batman doing various fights. I might say to someone that I don’t know what to have drawn in this particular frame. I don’t want Batman just fighting a bad guy so tell me who he should be fighting [to go along with] who he is fighting in another book. When people read that they will say something like “Oh that is what is going on in Batman & Robin #21,” or whatever. This helps with the overall system of continuity.

Larry Poupard: In Detective Comics, you introduced Man-Bat while tackling the 900 story. Is there a difference between introducing a previously developed character in the New 52 than there is with introducing a new character which has never seen print before?

John Layman: The thing is that these characters all work and everyone knows them. In some ways, you are revisiting familiar ground but it is also an opportunity to wipe away the statements people might ask about “Do you have to read 70 years of Batman?” No, because that is the glory of the New 52.

It is cool if you already know Man-Bat because you have the opportunity to see this classic story again. You can watch as we revisit something old and reinvent it at the same time. In some ways it is a cheat because some of the work has been done for you. The most liberating part, though, is not having to worry about what happened in 1974 or in Detective Comics #681. I am a bit of a lazy person so it is really good.

I always site someone like Mark Waid who is just a living encyclopedia and has all these trivia questions and knows everything. I don’t. Even if I read something, I don’t necessarily retain it. So the fact that I don’t have to adhere to all of this archaic continuity is a good thing for me.

Larry Poupard: Each Batman supervillain is unique and creates interesting types of challenges for Batman. Which member of the Rogue’s Gallery which you have not worked with is at the top of your list to work with in the future because he or she would fit in best with your story and which fit would be the most difficult?

John Layman: Two-Face, yes. I am kind of glad that Joke is kinda off the books for right now. Joke is too dark at this point for my story. When Joker comes in, he does horrible things and sends out his “psychic reverberations. I was glad I got to touch on that, but he is the one I want to work with the least. Since Scott Snyder just did this history Joker story [Death of the Family], I don’t really have to for a while.

Two-Face is the one I have been dying to use for long time now. I keep trying to. I keep trying to squeeze him in, but then I say “No, it is not time now.” I am going to get Two-Face before the end of my run.

There are many different aspects which make [Two-Face] interesting. There is the “law” aspect and the split personality aspect which Batman has too, just in a less obvious way than Two-Face. He is someone I am going to use before the end. I just don’t know when the end will come.

C2E2 Cosplay Pictures Part 2

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

One of the most interesting costumes.

One of the most interesting costumes.













C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay










C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay













C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay













C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

Who is this masked boozer?

Who is this masked boozer?












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












Go home Waldo. You're drunk.

Go home Waldo. You’re drunk.



C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay










C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay










C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












This has to be my favorite picture of C2E2.

This has to be my favorite picture of C2E2.


To see Page 1 of the C2E2 cosplay pictures, please follow this link.









































C2E2 Cosplay Pictures Part 1

I could fill this site with just about anything from C2E2, and the majority of your will still be asking about the cosplay pictures we took. Here is Part 1 of the pictures. You will find a link to Page 2 at the bottom.

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay


C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay


C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay













C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay


C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay












C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay

C2E2 Cosplay



To view the C2E2 Cosplay Pictures Part 2, please follow this link.












C2E2 Traffic Flow Issues

While I enjoyed C2E2, I noticed that the convention needs to improve upon traffic flow within the convention hall. There are certain issues the convention needs to look at to ensure everyone has the best time possible their entire time at the convention.

The front of C2E2

The front of C2E2

The Big Problem

One of the most important aspects of a convention for me is traffic flow. Nothing can ruin a convention trip more than needing to go to the bathroom and it taking 20 minutes to travel 200 feet because of congested crowds. On Friday and Sunday, traffic flow was great at C2E2. Saturday was a different story when it could take you what felt like an eternity to travel down an aisle. Also, traffic flow issues can lead to product being damaged or (worse yet?) personal injury.

Cosplay Alternative

Two things the organizers could do in the future to improve traffic flow. First off, many conventions are looking at the option of cosplay photo areas. If pictures may only be taken of cosplayers in certain areas, traffic flow can be improved by eliminating the moments when people ask for a picture to be taken with a cosplayer in the middle of an aisle.

Artist Alley

Artist Alley needs to be more inviting next year. The aisle separating Artist Alley from the vendor floor at C2E2 has many long booths which isolated the two parts of the convention from the other. While I am not a believer in feng shui, I have to admit that there was an energy break from the main floor to Artist Alley.  Larger flow points into Artist Alley will not only help alleviate some of the traffic flow problems at C2E2, it might also help the artists make some extra money.


If you were entering C2E2 with a bag, security would force you to open the bag for inspection. Obviously, they were looking for some type of weapon. If your cosplay costume used fake weapons, they needed to be inspected as well. While I understand the need for this type of security, it bogged down the traffic flow of the convention. At the same time, there was an ironic aspect because you could purchase real weapons from dealers on the convention floor. It was as if the convention was saying, “We don’t want you bringing in anything which could harm someone. If you purchase something on our floor which could hurt someone, we are alright with that.

This picture was taken on Friday when crowds were not at maximum. By looking in the upper right corner, though, you can see how masses would have problems getting around at C2E2.

This picture was taken on Friday when crowds were not at maximum. By looking in the upper right corner, though, you can see how masses would have problems getting around at C2E2.

Hopefully, the promoters and planners at C2E2 will take a look at these issues and figure out ways to clear up the problems. C2E2 could compete with the bigger dogs on the block soon. C2E2 only needs to go through a few minor changes to become the show, and traffic flow is one of them.

For more information on C2E2, follow this link.

C2E2 Impressions So Far (Opening)

C2E2 2013 has only been open for a few hours, but people are making a huge exodus to the event. Comic book readers and collectors, cosplayers, media guest fiends, and pop culture lovers are all finding at last a few hundred items each to focus their attention on.

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

The Vendors

There is a great selection of vendors at the show making it so the show appeals to a wide-range of types of fans. You will find almost everything ranging from comics to toys to gaming to posters to “unique” items which would take a half hour to describe. As a bit of a purist, I am concerned by what I consider to be a low level of comic book dealers. For a show with “Comic Con” in the name, I would have hopped for a dominance from comic book vendors.

Traffic Flow

I am amazed at this point how well traffic has been flowing overall. I have not seen too many stoppages in flow. That is an amazing feet at a show like this.

Artists Alley

I am always impressed by shows which have a variety of types of artists. There is the expected fair of comic book creators, but manga also has a strong showing as does impressionism, caricature artists, and other types of artists as well.


Pricing of items at C2E2 are standard for what you might find at any major con. Of course, the pricing is up to the vendors and should not impact that experience of the con, but it is something people pay attention to.


A strong and knowledgeable staff is the backbone of a convention like C2E2. Some convention promoters focus on guests and vendors and completely forget about the staff. Not so with C2E2. The staff has been friendly and knows where to get information on anything you might need.


I will start posting pictures soon of the cosplay at C2E2. I am impressed by how many great costumes I have seen so far within the first few hours of the show.

If you are in the Chicago area, and are con heading to C2E2 – head down. Even after only a few hours, the show is a hit so far.

C2E2 Homepage

C2E2 Coverage and Post-C2E2 Shift?

In two days, a delegation from Wonderworld Comics (including myself) will be heading to Chicago for the Diamond Retailer Summit and C2E2. There will be so much happening – I don’t know what I should tell you about first.

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?


I am lining up interviews with major players in the industry and with special guests who will be at C2E2 this year. Those interviews will begin appearing on this site as soon as I can get them transcribed.


During the week, I will be uploading some news commentary articles about what I heard and experienced throughout the week.


Yes,  I will be taking pictures throughout the week of the convention and there will be a ton of cosplay pictures taken during C2E2 to share with you.


You will just have to wait to see what surprises I have in store for you. There will be surprises.

What is the Shift?

Some of you have asked me about the shift on WonderWorldComics.com after C2E2 which I have alluded to. Don’t worry, you will still get the same types of articles and commentaries you have read before – but you are going to be getting more of them. The shift after C2E2 will not be away from anything or towards anything new. It will be a shift into a higher gear. Thanks for being along for the ride.

C2E2 Homepage

Special C2E2 Deals for Zombie Fans

If you are a zombie fan heading to C2E2 next week (like me), you are going to wonder about the types of deals and exclusives geared towards fans of the shambling undead. Fear not my fiends, there are many surprises in store for fans of the type of creature revolutionized (accidently) by George Romero so many years ago.

Great zombie specials can be found at C2E2 this year

Great zombie specials can be found at C2E2 this year

Box O Zombies

If you have had a chance to check out the Box O Zombies game line, you know that the creatures in the line range from horrific to hysterical. If you find yourself at Booth 1018 at C2E2, make sure you take a look at Zombicbook Guy. This piece works with the iOS mobile game and will fit into any zombie collection. Zombicbook Guy is a con attendee that became infected with more than comic book fever.

Zombie Last Supper Poster

I think I am going to have to make room in my office for the Zombie Last Supper poster. It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a print of zombies feasting in the famous painting of The Last Supper. This will be available for sale at C2E2 at Booth O10 by Erik Arreaga.

Zombie Pop Vinyl

POP! Vinyl toys from Funko are the rage today. They line the shelves at comic book retailers and toy stores across the country. At Booth 1064, Fugitive Toys will have a special POP! The Walking Dead Vinyl Figure. Stop by to see (and/or purchase) the Tank Zombie Blood Splatter POP! Vinyl figure exclusive to this retailer.

Deadworld at C2E2

Are you a fan of Gary Reed’s Deadworld? If not, why not? Stop by his booth (O4) to check out the full line of Deadworld graphic novels. If you purchase one of these zombie masterpieces, you will receive a set of the Deadworld: War of the Dead promo cards. One of these will be signed by Gary. You can also purchase the cards separately for $3.99.

Bloody Rick Grimes and Dead Daryl

There is another special dealing with Funko’s POP! The Walking Dead Vinyls at C2E2 for fans of the comic and the TV show. Check out Harrison’s at Booth 153 for special Walking Dead Daryl and Rick Bloody exclusives. Grab the figures your friends wished they had.

Four Horseman Posters

Ok, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Shadows Over New York poster might be a stretch for a zombie fan at C2E2, but it should still be noted. Remember, many horror movies portray zombies are the heralds of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Others, state it is their curse. Stop by Booth P7 for these exclusive posters.

If you are a zombie fan heading to C2E2, you have so much to look forward to. Make sure you bring your walking shoes and a pocket fullocash.

For more information on C2E2, please follow this link to the con’s homepage.

The Best C2E2 Freebies for C2E2 2013

If you are planning on heading to Chicago next week, you might find it a daunting task to go through all of the pages and pages of deals to find the best C2E2 freebies. Worry not my friends as I have gone through the pages and talked with some of my friends in the industry to find you the best C2E2 freebies.

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

Can you find the best C2E2 freebies?

The Trend

I should start out with a slight digression to point out how it is sad that freebies are so hard to come by these days at comic book conventions. I remember the days (not too many years ago) when you could walk out of a comic book convention with armfuls of merchandise without spending a dime. I am happy to see vendors going through their stock to come up with C2E2 freebies. Hopefully the number of free offerings can grow in the future.

Power Up Scavenger Hunt

The most noticeable of the C2E2 freebies comes in the form of the Power Up Scavenger Hunt. If you download the Official C2E2 Mobile App, you can scan QR codes which will be scattered around the convention. Once you have unlocked the mystery phrase, head over to the Info Desk and whisper it to the attendant for a bago’swag.

258 West Authentic Signatures

Find your way to Booth 1454 for two C2E2 freebies. The good people at West Authentic Signatures will be passing out promo tradings cards picturing Matt Smith (Doctor Who) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki).

Blick Art Materials

Do you think you can be one of the first 25 people to Booth 129 on one of the three days of the convention? If you are, Blick Art Materials will give you a free giveaway.

Gary Reed

If you purchase any Deadworld graphic novel from Gary Reed at Booth O4, you will receive a set of Deadworld: War of the Dead promo cards. There are ten cards in the set, and one of the cards will be signed by Gary himself! You can also purchase the promo card set for $3.99 without purchasing a novel (but you would be missing out on a great story).

Geek City Guide

Stop by Booth #222 and register for the hourly and daily drawings. The Geek City Guide will draw a name each hour of the convention and will draw one name a day for a grand prize. There is no reason why drawings and raffles should not count as C2E2 freebies.

Cat-LE Drivers

Talk to Kevin Bandt or Josh Filer over at Booth T14 about their comic Cat-LE Drivers. Issue #1 will be free during C2E2 so stop by before their stock runs out. This will be a limited print.

Leo’s Lions Den

Booth 1380 should be one of your first stops of the day if you want to snag all of the C2E2 freebies you can. The people at Leo’s Lions Den will be giving out a free comic to the first 100 customers each day.

For more information on C2E2, visit the con’s page by following this link.