Tag: batwoman marriage

DC Comics Stance on Marriage: Archaic or Rushed?

The current stance of DC Comics is that superheroes should not be married “as they have to sacrifice their personal lives and personal happiness.” Dan DiDio made the point of the stance clear this weekend when discussing the reasons why the creators behind Batwoman are leaving the company and why Batwoman is not marrying her love. I never knew DC Comics was so archaic.

batwoman pubCatholicism and Marriage

As someone who was raised in the Catholic Church, I have to think that this marriage stance by DC Comics is something which has caused for countless hours of debate in the Catholic Church. Priests and nuns are not allowed to marry because the Church believes they would not be able to balance a successful marriage with the responsibilities of the cloth. The Church has turned a blind eye to the fact that other religions around the world have clergy which are able to marry.

My Personal Calling?

In my personal life, I spent many years believing I would grow up to be a Catholic priest. It was the draw to have a family which finally caused me to leave my aspirations of a life of the cloth. I know of many other Catholics which turned down a potential “calling” in order to start a family and I know a handful of priest which left their callings to learn the love of a family. This point was not meant to spread any religious turn, but to point out how the Catholic Church has been called “archaic” for the same type of stance that DC Comics and Dan DiDio are currently showing towards marriage.

The Marriage Stance

If Dan DiDio truly gave the DC Comics marriage stance, why is the company sitting in the Middle Ages? Maybe they should read some titles by Marvel Comics where characters (such as the Reeds) have been able to have successful marriages and still be able to save the world, universe, or dimension for decades.

A Rushed Decision?

The DC Comics stance on marriage appears rushed to me. I have to wonder if this stance was created as a way to battle the outcry over the Batwoman marriage. If it were true that the company did not think superheroes should be married, why was Batwoman allowed to discuss marriage previously? I think this stance was rushed to deal with a backlash DC Comics didn’t expect due to tunnel vision. It appears DC Comics is trying to defeat itself in the September War.

Personal Happiness

One last point, anyone who is married will tell you that marriage is a sacrifice of personal happiness.