Tag: age of ultron #10

Thoughts on Age of Ultron #10

I am going to assume that you have either read Age of Ultron #10, or have heard all of the spoilers out there. Since it has been 24 hours since the comic has come out, I guess it is time for me to talk about where Marvel can go NOW with the revelation of the space time continuum being borked by the characters in the story.

Age of Ultron #10

Age of Ultron #10

Interesting Note

We should start out by pointing out how Age of Ultron #10 gives us a moment when we realize that all of the universes in the Marvel Megaverse are crossing. We have Earth 616’s Galactus apparently in the Ultimate Universe, we have Angela zooming around the galaxy, and we have characters having visions of other characters from throughout the megaverse. This grand-scale crossover means almost anything can happen over the next few months.

Another Interesting Note

At least Marvel had the gumption to realize that the story it created in Age of Ultron should have negative ramifications other than simply changing a few characters here and there. Not only will the characters have to deal with all the changes, they are going to have to figure out how to fix the problem so that it does not happen again.

Yet One More Interesting Note on Age of Ultron #10

Can anyone think of a major crossover which potentially dealt with every universe in the Marvel Megaverse at the same time?

Dead No More?

One aspect I would love to see is for characters to reappear who have been presumed dead for a long time. While I am not expecting Uncle Ben (as bringing him back is a sacrilege), there are many other characters who have died over the years who could be brought back. Abomination, Baron Mordo, Baron Zemo, Cheetah, Maggot, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Peter Parker, and Wraith are just a handful of characters I would love to see brought back to life now that time and space are so screwed up after Age of Ultron #10.

The Grand Swap

We have seen Galactus head over to the Ultimate Universe so what is to say that there will not be more swaps in the near future? How about sending Zombie Hulk or Zombie Spider-man into the normal universe? Age of Ultron #10 opens the door for almost any character from another universe to be sent into any other. Marvel can play this one up very will with a swap month which could send the megaverse on its ear.

Send Someone Somewhere?

After Age of Ultron #10, Marvel could take a character with mediocre sales and send them to another time or place. The story could follow the character (or even a small team of characters) as they try to figure out a way home from the strange world they are now part of.

Please Don’t

Please Marvel, don’t simply allow the Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange to will reality back to normal. This is too easy of a trick that most of us would not be happy seeing. Age of Ultron #10 should be harder to overcome than with a simple wish.

Age of Ultron #10 is My Pick of the Week!

Age of Ultron #10 comes out today and it easily became my Pick of the Week. Simply put, you need to read this issue. Even if you have not read Age of Ultron up to this point, there are a series of events in Age of Ultron #10 which will have you amazed. If you are thinking that the introduction of Angela is the watershed moment in the issue, you are only partially correct.

Age of Ultron #10

Age of Ultron #10

Spoilers for Age of Ultron #10?

As per usual, I will do everything I can to avoid giving spoilers in this article. If you are looking for spoilers, you have come to the wrong website. Age of Ultron #10 is so strong that a spoiler will ruin the moments of shock and awe you will experience while reading the issue. I would not be able to sleep at night if I robbed you of that experience.

Talk About Universe-Changing Events?

Marvel has spoken about universe-changing events for many years now. Every year, they come out with a crossover event or two which they say will change everything we think about the Marvel Universe and how their new event will change everything. Compared to the universe-changing moments in Age of Ultron #10, all of Marvel’s former crossover events are like comparing a Little League game to the World Series. This is Marvel’s New 52 event!

Don’t Get Me Wrong

Age of Ultron #10 does not reboot the Marvel Universe like the New 52 did for DC Comics. Instead, we have a new evolution like Marvel has been working on since Marvel NOW was launched. Age of Ultron #10 has moments we are going to be talking about for years and debating about as well. Marvel has just opened up Pandora’s Box and every “What If?” scenario we have thought about could become a reality. Hopefully, Marvel can turn this universe-changing event into something epic.

Less of Age of Ultron #10 Coming Than Ordered

Our Detroit comic shop has been notified that we will not be receiving as many Age of Ultron #10 issues as we initially ordered. Diamond has reduced our order of Age of Ultron #10 by 13 percent. Luckily, our orders for variants have not been impacted.

Age of Ultron #10

Age of Ultron #10

Why is this Happening?

Chances are good that there were more orders for Age of Ultron #10 than Marvel was expecting. While I have not heard conformation, I would believe that other store’s orders will be impacted by this allocation as well.

Importance of Age of Ultron #10

If you have forgotten, or if you have not been following the Age of Ultron story, Age of Ultron #10 wraps up the story which has been building for a few months and will introduce Angela (from Spawn) to the Marvel Universe. We have already been told that she will become a major player in the universe, so there are many collectors which will want to get their hands on the issue. Marvel is trying to keep the story so secret that they have taken the step of polybagging each issue to keep the readers in suspense to the last possible moment.

What does this Mean for Me?

Well, if you are planning on getting Age of Ultron #10, you had better make sure you come to our Detroit area comic shop as early as you can. Apparently, supply is not on par with the demand so there is a good chance this crucial issue in the Marvel NOW continuity is going to go fast. It might mean that those who wait will not have the opportunity to have a first printing of the comic they have been waiting for throughout the first nine issues I the series. Age of Ultron #10 poses to be one of the most critical issues published by Marvel this year. Will you be able to pick one up?

Polybagging Age of Ultron #10 a Smart Move

I find it interesting how Marvel will be polybagging all issues of Age of Ultron #10. This is a rare step taken by comic book companies and is only saved for certain events. I think it is a smart move for Marvel to do it now.

Age of Ultron #10

Age of Ultron #10

First – A Word from Marvel


The biggest secret in comics will be revealed to you! An ending so confidential…even the artists of this book don’t know what lies on the final pages…! A surprise so big that comic book legend Joe Quesada himself returns to the pages of Marvel Comics to draw a sequence that people will be talking about for years.

*All covers of Age Of Ultron #10 will be polybagged

Product Update (4/4/2013): Has a regular cover by Brandon Peterson, not Peterson, Carlos Pacheco, & Joe Quesada, and has art by Bryan Hitch, Brandon Peterson, Carlos Pacheco, Alex Maleev, & Joe Quesada.

Save the Story in Age of Ultron #10

Of course, the most obvious reason for polybagging Age of Ultron #10 would be to prevent people from just sitting in a comic book store to check out the last few pages of the issue. It keeps the air of secrecy which Marvel has been building around the issue. It is a smart move as a marketing tool which continues along with the steps the publisher has taken so far to keep the story in Age of Ultron #10 a secret so far.

Reduce Those Pesky Damaged Issues

If you own a comic book store, one of the inevitable issues you will have to deal with is damaged issues. Even though the great people at Diamond do their best when packing copies of your favorite comics each week, some issues end up getting damaged. As contents shift of boxes fall during shipping, accidents happen. By polybagging Age of Ultron #10, Marvel reduces the number of damaged copies which would not have made it to the shelf for the initial sales day. This helps retailers and it helps the end reader since there will be more on the shelves during the first day of sales.

Will Marvel Move Extra Units?

Marvel will definitely move extra units of Age of Ultron #10 because many people are going to want to have a copy to read and one to save in case the market takes an upswing on the issue in the days following release. Of course, this is going to put extra emphasis on variant covers (such as the Angela cover which is sure to be hot hot hot). Marvel might see a good portion of the market share it lost in recent months (but is gaining back) come back quickly.