Man of Steel Day is Coming on June 12

June 12, 2013 will be Man of Steel Day in comic book stores across the country as the comic book world celebrates the release of the new Superman movie. I think this is a smart move by the comic book publisher and should give DC Comics a strong chance of gaining back some of the market it has lost recently.

Man of Steel Day is June 12, 2013!

Man of Steel Day is June 12, 2013!

What’s the Big Deal with Man of Steel Day?

Of course, many (if not most) of the comic book stores across the country will have free promotional bags to stuff your orders into, they will also have free copies of All-Star Superman #1 Special Edition which will reprint the first chapter of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s famous tale about Superman. Many comic book stores will also have special posters to promote the movie.

What Else is Going On?

Some comic book stores will have special promotions on Man of Steel Day to promote the movie. Wonderworld Comics is putting on the finishing touches right now and we should have more information posted on this site and on our Facebook page very soon. Keep your eyes open for more information.

The Idea of Man of Steel Day

DC Comics needs to do something outside of the box to increase sales and gain back some of the lost market share. By making Man of Steel Day into as big of an event as possible, the publisher can get fans talking about the movie and about Superman in general. Will Man of Steel Day bring in shoppers who have never been to a comic book store? Not sure. Either way, it should make some news and turn some more heads towards comic book stores in general, towards DC Comics, towards the new movies, and towards Superman.

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