I See DC Comics Losing Market Share Right and Left

I have noticed a disturbing trend among many comic book readers and collectors who are dropping almost everything, or everything, they read from DC Comics. The anger is still resonating in the market at the Villain Month allocation. I have a strong feeling that DC Comics will fall hard in market share for September-October when we see the numbers in a few weeks.

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

My Monthly Pulls

Personally, I have dropped about half of my regular DC Comics pulls. After the disappointment which was Trinity War, I could not hold on for any more issues of Justice League, Justice League America, or Pandora. I was turned off to some titles by the hiatus from the story lines – such as Suicide Squad.

A Positive for the Market

Many of the people who have told me about dropping DC Comics titles are taking the opportunity to try out other titles from other publishers. For the market, this is a good thing. Too often, people will drop titles out of product anger and not pick anything else up. This causes the market to shrink – and that cannot be afforded by the market right now.

Uphill Battle for DC Comics

Right now, I see DC Comics having an uphill battle as they have to win back retailers who were discouraged by the Villain Month Allocation and win back readers who were upset by the titles, the execution, or the hiatus of their regular stories.

Next Month

While I have no clue how far down DC Comics will fall from their big numbers win in the September War, I do see them falling. I would be surprised if Marvel did not take back the top spot, especially with the traction the Battle of the Atom has been getting. DC Comics will still be in second place for market share, but I see the gap shrinking between DC Comics and Image.

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