By now, you might have already seen the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award nomination video from Wonderworld Comics. If you have not, you can see it by following this link.
The staff at Wonderworld Comics had a ton of fun making this video and are proud to have the opportunity to submit this video in the first place. To me, the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award could be likened to a Comic Book Store Hall of Fame. This an extreme honor not only to the ownership and staff of a comic book store, but to the customers and fans as well.
I was proud of the job my daughter did (Maia – the little girl with glasses). I am also happy that any speaking part I had was edited out of the video. I may not have a problem typing whatever comes to mind, or speaking before crowds, but I have never liked being on camera.
At Wonderworld Comics, we do what we can to make sure your shopping experience is as enjoyable as possible. Many of you have become friends of the store or of particular workers over the years. We thank you because you make the store a living, breathing, and growing entity which is being globally recognized.