Difference Between a Comic Book Show and Comic Book Convention

Comic book conventions and comic book shows – these are two terms we use all the time. Did you know that the two descriptions are technically not interchangeable? Do you know what the difference is between the two?

Silver Age comics

Silver Age comics

Comic Book Show

A comic book show is a one-day event which bring collectors together with vendors. Comic book shows are typically held at small venues such as a VFW, a fraternal hall, or even in a school gymnasium. There might be guests signing autographs or comic creators doing sketches, but everyone goes home at the end of the day.

Comic Book Convention

A comic book convention is held over multiple days at a venue or in a series of close venues. Since the conventions are longer than the show, convention promoters will take extra steps to make sure there is more to do so panels, contests, and extra guests are added.

The Main Difference Between Comic Book Shows and Comic Book Conventions

Someone suggested one time that the difference between a comic book show and a comic book convention is that conventions have panels. I have been to little local shows with panels, so that cannot be the difference between the two. The actual difference between the two is the length of time, and nothing else. If the vendors are present for one day, it is a comic book show. If the vendors and guests are there over multiple days, you would call it a comic book convention.

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