Comments Reopening On WWC!

After many requests, much research, and a ton of trail an error – the ability to comment on articles on WonderWorldComics is rolling out once again. Please read this post if you are going to be commenting.

Note, this posting is originally dated 7/19/2013. By the time you are reading this, some of the changes expected to take place should have already happened.

Why We Blocked Comments

We were forced to block the ability to comment on articles because we were inundated with spam comments. I know you don’t want to read through dozens of spam comments to see what people think, so I had to figure out a way to block them.

What You Need To Do

If you are interested in commenting, you are going to have to register with the site. There is no way around that. These are the steps which need to be taken:

  1. Send an email to me at entitled “I want to comment” or something along that line.
  2. In the email – I need your name (First and Last), the name you want to go by in the comments (such as a screen name), and a password which is between 7-12 characters. These screen names and passwords will be case sensitive.
  3. At the present time, I am going to have to approve each commentor application manually, so it might take me up to a day to get back to you.
  4. Once you are approved, go to and post a comment on an article. The comment will not appear right away because I have to manually approve your first comment. After your first comment is approve, you are ready to go.
  5. If you lost your password or screen name, email me and I will send them to you as quickly as I can.

Commenting Rules

This is a PG-13 site. Please don’t swear, harass, make statements against someone’s race, origin, sex, sexual orientation, or religion. It is fine to rip on people such as Dan DiDio.

If I catch you posting spam, harassing, or anything else against the rules, your commenting membership will be revoked.

Right Now

Right now, comments are going to be open for all of the articles I have added in the last few days. The comments sections for older articles will roll out slowly over the next week or so. If there is an older article you really want to comment on, let me know and I will move it up the list.

Future No Comment Articles

You will occasionally see an article which will have a note listed at the end about no comments on the article. There are certain article which will appear which do not require commenting or the comments are closed for some reason. This will be rare, and will be on a case-by-case basis.

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