Age of Ultron #10 is My Pick of the Week!

Age of Ultron #10 comes out today and it easily became my Pick of the Week. Simply put, you need to read this issue. Even if you have not read Age of Ultron up to this point, there are a series of events in Age of Ultron #10 which will have you amazed. If you are thinking that the introduction of Angela is the watershed moment in the issue, you are only partially correct.

Age of Ultron #10

Age of Ultron #10

Spoilers for Age of Ultron #10?

As per usual, I will do everything I can to avoid giving spoilers in this article. If you are looking for spoilers, you have come to the wrong website. Age of Ultron #10 is so strong that a spoiler will ruin the moments of shock and awe you will experience while reading the issue. I would not be able to sleep at night if I robbed you of that experience.

Talk About Universe-Changing Events?

Marvel has spoken about universe-changing events for many years now. Every year, they come out with a crossover event or two which they say will change everything we think about the Marvel Universe and how their new event will change everything. Compared to the universe-changing moments in Age of Ultron #10, all of Marvel’s former crossover events are like comparing a Little League game to the World Series. This is Marvel’s New 52 event!

Don’t Get Me Wrong

Age of Ultron #10 does not reboot the Marvel Universe like the New 52 did for DC Comics. Instead, we have a new evolution like Marvel has been working on since Marvel NOW was launched. Age of Ultron #10 has moments we are going to be talking about for years and debating about as well. Marvel has just opened up Pandora’s Box and every “What If?” scenario we have thought about could become a reality. Hopefully, Marvel can turn this universe-changing event into something epic.

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