Review of Gem City Comic Con 2013

Gem City Comic Con 2013 has come to a close and I have to admit that I enjoyed myself. I am already looking forward to attending next year.

Gem City Comic Con

Gem City Comic Con

The Location

Gem City Comic Con 2013 was held at the Nutter Center at Wright State University. The stadium in which the convention was held was large enough to fit all of the dealers, signers, and other events without having too much room (which might create dead spaces). The aisles were spaced well and allowed for full movement. Even guests with strollers or wheelchairs found the conventions floor easily-accessible.

There were other events going on in the Nutter Center, such as cheerleading practice and practices for some of the basketball teams participating in the NCAA Tournament games being held nearby. The other events being held in the center did not apparently conflict in any way with Gem City Comic Con, and a nod should be given to Wright State University for proper event and logistics planning. I could not complain about the fact that there was free W-Fi in the building.

The Deals

While there were many deals to be had, I felt that some of the dealers were holding back. This could be because of how C2E2 in Chicago is only weeks away. Other dealers were almost giving product away in order to clear out their storage for the stock coming in for the big con next month. I was happy to find some deals, but they had to be searched for as they were not jumping out at you. $5 or 40% off graphic novels could be found at many dealer’s tables along with standard retail prices on many of the key issues typically found at cons. Just make sure to keep your eyes open for the deals.


A corner of the convention was filled with Magic players. Their event did not conflict in any way (that I noticed) with the main con. I like to see cons which invite fans of other genres in order to increase foot traffic.


I might always be harsh on conventions about their food offerings. The only food in the convention hall for general guests was from a center food booth. I picked up a pack of Reece’s Pieces and a 20oz pop for $6.75. People were eating the food from there out of desperation. Some workers did deliver food to artists and vendors, so at least there was another option for some onsite. Since the event was held on a college campus, outside food options were plenty as chains love to build by colleges. I just wish there were other options inside the event.


I have always said that if a staff member does not know the answer to a question, he or she should know where to get the answer in a prompt fashion. While this should be the norm, it typically is not for comic book conventions. The staff at Gem City Comic Con, though, had most of the answers and were not afraid to ask someone else if they did not know. I have to compliment the con organizers for taking the important step of making sure the staff was informed and had lines of communication open.

Gem City Comic Con Cosplay

Gem City Comic Con Cosplay


There were cosplayers, and many were dressed to impress. You can see more of the cosplay pictures from Gem City Comic Con by following this link.


As more and more comic book convention move towards stocking their celebrity list with washed-up actors, former pro wrestlers, and ex-Playboy models, someone might think a comics-forward convention like Gem City Comic Con might not have much traffic. This could not be further from the truth. Traffic on Saturday was strong with dealers have few chances to sit down early in the day. Sunday was much lighter, but I would venture to say that the impending snowstorm had more to do with the decreased traffic than any other factor.

As I stated before, I am looking forward to Gem City Comic Con 2014. If you have the chance to head down to Dayton next year, I would suggest making the trip. You are going to have fun and you are going to be glad you came.

On one final note, if you are in the area, stop at One Eyed Jacks. The bar has some good local beer and great food. Anyone who is a regular reader of this site knows how much I love a beer. The Thai peanut wings were among the best wings I have ever had in my life! If I had known about this place when I was a travel writer, I might have written an entire article just on the wings.

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