Marvel in the 1970s and Marvel NOW

Thinking about Marvel in the 1970s brings up memories of the company beginning to push the envelope with stronger female characters and mixing in characters that non-Caucasians could relate to. It was also a time in which Marvel resurrected the horror comics genre and had a strong expansion into the universe at-large with the inclusion of galactic storytelling. Has anyone else noticed how Marvel in the 1970s is being revisited through Marvel NOW?



Galactic Storytelling

Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova both bring Marvel back to one of their featured storytelling styles from the 1970s. Galactic storytelling was one of the major cornerstones for Marvel in the 1970s and is going to make a major impact in the Marvel NOW version of the Marvel Universe. Both Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy first saw the light of the Marvel cosmos in the 1970s and are back now. Marvel in the 1970s would have been quite different without cosmic stories, and Marvel NOW will be quite different with it.

Defenders and Valkyrie

Valkyrie is back on a Defenders team with Fearless Defenders. Both the character and the team were original to Marvel in the 1970s. Valkyrie is one of the strongest female characters in any Marvel Universe and has been overlooked for too long. Hopefully she can grow with her new title and gain the renown which she should have gained in her initial run. Hopefully this Defenders title will not be held back with kitschy storytelling and an overly-rotated cast of characters.

Read more about by problems with the Defenders here.

Marvel Horror

Another cornerstone of Marvel in the 1970s was the resurrection of horror when the Comics Code was loosened to allow scary creatures in the printed pages once again. Morbius: The Living Vampire might be the best example you could think of today, but Man-Thing will begin to play a role in Savage Wolverine in issue #4. Both of these horror characters were created in the 1970s and are making an impact early into the Marvel Now run. Marvel in the 1970s is being reflected by Marvel NOW and there are few things which would make fans of my generation happier.

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