Why No Comic Book Spoilers?

Why won’t WonderWorldComics.com publish comic book spoilers? This is a question I am asked on a regular basis by readers who believe we might be missing an opportunity in the comic book market. There are reasons why I refuse to publish comic book spoilers.

One of the Goals of WonderWorldComics.com

At WonderWorldComics.com, we want to make sure you enjoy reading and collecting your comics. Comic book spoilers take much of the wow factor out of reading. Comic book spoilers take out the element of surprise. If I were to publish spoilers, I would take some of the fun away. If you really want spoilers, there are hundreds of other sites out there which will give you all of the information you need.

What I will Do

Sometimes, a story will come along with such a surprise twist, I will decide to tell you about it. Instead of giving comic book spoilers, I will simply suggest you pick up the issue to see what is going on for yourself. From time to time, I will have to give you a little bit of the backstory as a setup, but try to make sure that I do not spoil the big reveal. If you ever think I am giving too much information, let me know.

For the New

If you stumbled across this article while looking for comic book spoilers, I would like you to check out the spoiler-free content on this site. I think it is a breath of fresh air for the industry.

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